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Our employees are our key assets. We care about them, help them in their development, and aim to create an inspiring work environment for them. One of our most important values that we uphold is respect. We respect our mutual differences. We let others know that they are important to us, and welcome and embrace diversity. We see every one of our employees as a unique personality that has joined us to grow with us both professionally and personally. We aim to accommodate our employee’s special needs and to balance their personal and work life. We support them in their different career phases and enable their rapid professional and personal development and career advancement. We are signatories our the European Diversity Charter.

Within our pro-bono activities we cooperate with numerous non-profit organisations. Several of our educational activities are aimed towards pupils and students, as we try to enrich their competences regardless of their personal social background.

We publish more detailed information about our diversity approach in our sustainability report, which is among the highest-rated non-financial reports in the Czech Republic.

Content supplied by KPMG Legal, Czech Republic