Region Area


Radek Halíček

Radek Halíček

Work Department

KPMG Legal


Managing Partner


Radek is the founding partner of KPMG Legal and also the Managing Partner of the KPMG Czech Republic. In the year 2022 he was elected as a Chairman of the KPMG CEE Board. As an expert in financial institutions, he specialises in counselling for banks, investment companies and investment funds, including private equity. Radek has extensive experience in transaction advisory, investment structuring as well as international planning, financing and restructuring. Radek actively cooperates with the Czech Banking Association, the Czech Leasing and Finance Association, the Czech Capital Market Association and the Czech Ministry of Finance.


Czech, English


Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague

Technical University, Zilina

University of Pardubice, Transport Faculty, Pardubice


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