Region Area


Guilherme Cremonesi Caurin

Work Department

Corporate Criminal Law, Compliance.


Head of the Corporate Criminal Law and Compliance team since 2015.

Guilherme has had solid experience working for more than 10 years in criminal cases of high complexity and national repercussion, involving operations of bid rigging, crimes against the public administration, crimes against the national financial system, crimes against taxation order, environmental crimes, among others.

He was a partner of one of the most renowned criminal jurists panels in Brazil.

Elected by Revista Análise 500 -2015 as one of the most admired attorneys in Brazil.

President of the Economic Criminal Law Commission of OAB/Campinas

President of the Criminal Compliance Commission of the Brazilian Institute for the Development of International Business Relations – IBREI.


Member of the Brazilian Bar AssociationMember of the Brazilian Institute for the Development of International Business Relations – IBREI.




2014 – Compliance Officer from Legal Ethics Compliance – LEC2010 – Specialization in Economic Criminal Law from College of Law of Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FG – Law2007 – Bachelor in Legal and Social Sciences from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas – PUCCAMP