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Press Releases

New m&a transaction

The corporate department of Finocchio & Ustra Sociedade de Advogados advised Enso, a reference in the wealth management,
21 March 2024
Press Releases

A new m&a transaction

The corporate and M&A department of Finocchio & Ustra Sociedade de Advogados advised Kaefer Group,
21 March 2024
Press Releases

A new m&a transaction

The corporate department of Finocchio & Ustra Sociedade de Advogados advised ADTsys, a reference in public cloud and data services, in the M&A transaction with Claranet, multinational company specializing in cloud and cybersecurity.
21 March 2024
Press Releases

Finocchio & ustra sociedade de advogados: m&a transaction

The corporate, mergers and acquisitions team of Finocchio & Ustra Sociedade de Advogados advised the quotaholders of Monitora Soluções Tecnológicas Ltda., a company in the technology and software development sector, in the transaction of the sale of 100% of its equity interest to Marlabs Innovation Tecnologia Brasil Ltda., a company that operates in the same market in Canada, Germany, Brazil, India, US, and UK.
21 March 2024
Press Releases

New m&a transaction

The corporate, mergers and acquisitions team of Finocchio & Ustra Sociedade de Advogados advised the quotaholders of Monitora Soluções Tecnológicas Ltda., a company in the technology and software development sector, in the transaction of the sale of 100% of its equity interest to Marlabs Innovation Tecnologia Brasil Ltda., a company that operates in the same market in Canada, Germany, Brazil, India, US, and UK. The closing of the transaction took place in May, 2023 and the acquisition is in line with Marlabs’s strategy to expand its operation in Brazil. The Transaction was led by Felipe Cervone and Andrea Bittar, corporate and mergers and acquisitions team’s partner, with the participation of the lawyers Rachel Cerqueira Salvador Marques, Patrícia Bruzzi Carrion Paraguay and Tainara Morata Sanzovo, all from Finocchio e Ustra Sociedade de Advogados.
21 March 2024
Press Releases

Finocchio & ustra opens office in são josé dos campos

The customer-centric law firm, making waves since its foundation, has just opened a new office in São José dos Campos. According to partner José Luis Finocchio Jr, this dynamic team of legal experts is dedicated to providing their clients with top-notch, reliable solutions and experiences.
27 April 2023
Press Releases

M&a transaction

The corporate and mergers and acquisitions department of Finocchio & Ustra Advogados advised Bosch, a consolidated company in the automotive sector, to acquire 20% of Peça.Ai, a platform for the sale and purchase of automotive parts for the B2B market.
11 April 2023
Press Releases

Press release

“The corporate, mergers and acquisitions team of Finocchio & Ustra Advogados advised the quotaholders of  Iplasa Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Domissanitários Ltda., a company that markets and sales household cleaning products, in the transaction of sale of 100% of its equity interest to Indústrias Reunidas Raymundo da Fonte S.A., a company that operates in the same market, with dominant present in the North and Northeast of Brazil.
14 February 2023
Press Releases

Lyondllbasell group m&a transaction

LyondllBasell Group, one of the biggest chemical industries group in the word, acquired, through its Brazilian subsidiary Basell Poliolefinas Ltda., Colortech da Amazônia Ltda., a manufacturer of color concentrates, additive masterbatches and mineral-filled compounds located in Manaus, Brazil. The share purchase agreement was signed on June 6th, 2022, and the closing of the transaction was due on September 30th, 2022. Finocchio & Ustra Sociedade de Advogados (Brazilian Law Firm) is proud to represent LyondllBasell Group in the acquisition of Colortech da Amazônia Ltda.
08 November 2022

Court-supervised reorganization and bankruptcy

The Law on court-supervised reorganization and Bankruptcy (Law 11,101/2005) was created in 2005 and underwent some changes in 2020. The sanction of Law 14,112 brought some news to creditors and debtors on matters regarding: mediation, stay of proceedings, provisional asset protection, reorganization plan presented by creditors, financing for debtors undergoing reorganization, fresh start, individual rural producer, reorganization.
02 September 2022

Considerations about brazil's accession to the oecd

In the last few decades, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has gained greater prominence in the international economic scenario, especially in the Brazilian panorama, as there has been a considerable rapprochement between the Country and the Organization. Although Brazil has been engaged with the OECD since 1994, it became a key partner only in 2007. That was when the Organization expanded its list of partners to achieve greater integration and intercontinental cooperation, strengthening its ties with "emerging" countries such as India, China, South Africa, and Brazil.
09 August 2022
Corporate and Commercial

Brazil: are we more mature about corporate compliance best practices?

To optimize your time, the answer to the above question will be given in the first sentence of this article: it seems so. At least this is the feeling we get when we read news about situations that, in the recent past, would not be on the agenda.
04 May 2022
Corporate and Commercial

Good news for the brazilian footballing industry

In August 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brazilian President passed a law long-awaited by the football teams throughout the country - Law No.14,193/2021, known as the “Lei da Sociedade Anônima de Futebol (SAF)”, or the Football Corporation Law. This law finally allowed football teams to be incorporated as a corporation (SAF – football corporation), bestowed upon specific legal regulations such as corporate governance and specific taxation rules, but most importantly, it facilitated their ability to raise resources to finance their everyday activities. As a corporation, the SAF is also governed, in a subsidiary manner, by the provisions set forth by Law No. 6,404/1976 (Corporation Law) and Law No. 9,615/1998 (Lei Pelé – lays down general rules on the sport). This corporate structure is common in large clubs outside Brazil, for instance, Bayern Munich, which has major sporting companies as shareholders such as Adidas and Allianz.
11 April 2022

Brazilian new railway legislation (and why it may be a great opportunity for passenger rail transport investments)

At the end of 2021, the new Brazilian railway law (Law nº 14.273/2021) was finally approved, it promises to facilitate and optimize the expansion of railway transport and, as a consequence, to expand the already existing options to the outflow of goods throughout the country. With the consolidation of the brand new authorization regime – which had been, in a certain way, addressed in the former Provisory Measure nº 1.065/2021 (ProTrilhos) - it is expected that companies and investors become more confident about the economic exploitation of new railways.
28 February 2022

Confusion and changes to the brazilian state goods and services tax (icms) in early 2022: how a ruling by the supreme court created a new and unconstitutional law in brazil

As many readers may know, taxes are not straightforward anywhere in the world but this is particularly true in Brazil and even more so when one looks at Brazil´s indirect taxation on sales and goods, the “Imposto sobre Operações relativas à Circulação de Mercadorias e sobre Prestações de Serviços de Transporte Interestadual e Intermunicipal e de Comunicação” or simply ICMS.
07 February 2022

Perspectives for teleworking in brazil

It was already notorious that the feasibility of implementing remote working had been discussed for a long time. While many companies already saw this condition as an advantage, others were still quite resistant to the idea.
04 February 2022