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Conciliation with Tax Authorities
Lauwers Tax Lawyers will assist your mediation with tax authorities.

When you have a tax dispute with the tax administration, you can appeal to us to start up the tax conciliation.

First we discuss the strategy of your case. Then we unburden you by starting up the procedure for tax conciliation. The purpose of this independent service is to reconcile your view with that of the tax administration.

Thanks to the tax conciliation, as a taxpayer you will avoid a long and expensive court procedure with an uncertain outcome.

Inheritance tax planning
With the transfer of your assets to the next generations, your successors will in any case be confronted with the inheritance tax.  Depending on the region where you live, the size of your inheritance and the degree of kinship of your successors, the applicable rates can be enormous.  In the context of a tax-friendly transfer of your assets, it would seem that a thorough preliminary tax planning is necessary.

Lauwers Tax Lawyers will assist you, among other, with:

  • providing advice on the possibilities of your assets’ structure;
  • tax optimization of your assets’ transfer;
  • assisting in disputes concerning inheritance tax planning.

Structuring of tax optimizations
Both in a national and international context taxpayers are faced with a diversity of tax regulations that can be an important burden.  Organizing these transactions in a tax-friendly structure is therefore a considerable added value.

Lauwers Tax Lawyers will assist you, among other, with:

  • providing advice on the tax effects of your transactions;
  • organising your goals and transactions in a tax optimised structure.

Tailored tax advice
At Lauwers Tax Lawyers you will receive tailored tax advice.

Our specialised advice stretches across all fields concerning tax. Take a look at our areas of expertise.

We guarantee a personal, discreet and result-driven approach. We assess every case in the same independent way.

This proactive service takes into account short, middle and long term outcomes. The purpose of this strategic approach is creating a win-win situation for you.

We make sure you needn’t worry anymore.

Tailored tax audit
At Lauwers Tax Lawyers you will receive a tailored tax audit.

During an audit we assess where problems and pitfalls may occur from a tax point of view. We also look out for unused potential. Because the end goal is for you to pay less taxes or even retrieve taxes.

Such an audit may be considered a proactive service which is perfectly compatible with your finance professional (accountant, company auditor, tax consultant, bookkeeper or tax specialist).

After an audit, you are capable of anticipating better and taking more founded decisions. You avoid discussions with the tax administration. It’s a strategic approach which renders.

The team at Lauwers Tax Lawyers guarantees a personal and focused approach. Can we assist you with a tailored tax audit? Contact us.

Tax Jurisprudence: assistance and counseling of tax disputes
Lauwers Tax Lawyers advice you with your tax dispute. Together we evaluate the success rate and discuss the consequences of a tax procedure. We assist and represent you at the tax courts. Tax litigation is in our DNA. Your tax dispute is in good hands.

Content supplied by Lauwers Law