Cerilles & Fernan Intellectual Property Law (CFIP Law)
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Cerilles & Fernan Intellectual Property Law (CFIP Law) is a boutique law firm that specializes on intellectual property (IP) matters. The firm was originally founded to cater to the IP needs of independent inventors and creators in the Philippines. Since then, its practice has grown to encompass clients from the corporate sector including local and multinational corporations.
Specialization in IP: CFIP Law concentrates its practice on providing IP-related services. This has enabled the firm to focus on addressing complex matters in the field of IP. CFIP Law’s set-up as a boutique firm provides it with the necessary time, resources, and flexibility in catering to the specific needs of each client. The firm’s mission is not only to protect IP rights but also to help its clients appreciate the importance of protecting their IP assets. The firm proactively engages clients in their IP protection journey by sharing with them the best practices and current trends in the IP industry.
International practice: CFIP Law has been active in prosecuting patents, copyrights and trademarks globally as well as in enforcing the clients’ IP rights. CFIP Law works with firms from different parts of the world, including but not limited to Japan, China, United States of America, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Singapore, and St. Vincent and Grenadines.
Experience: The firm’s lawyers have been recognized as leading IP lawyers in the Asia-Pacific region. Over the years, they have worked on several notable IP cases. The lawyers’ diverse backgrounds allowed the firm to provide valuable advice on various areas of IP law. Outside of their Juris Doctor degrees, the firm’s lawyers have degrees in subjects such as Applied Physics, Law and Technology, Public Law and Regulation, and Human Rights which were earned from world-class learning institutions like the University of California Berkeley School of Law, the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of the Philippines. One of our partners is also a member of the New York State Bar Association. Our lawyers have also attended seminars sponsored by organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Korean Intellectual Property Office and the Japan Patent Office.
Awards: CFIP Law has been recognized as a leading firm in the field of IP. It was named as Intellectual Property Firm of the Year by Asian Legal Business, and Trademark Firm of the Year by Asia IP in 2021. It was then awarded as the Best New Law Firm in the Philippines for 2022. It was also recognized as a Leading Firm in Intellectual Property (Tier 2) by Legal 500 Asia Pacific and as a Notable Firm by Asia Law in 2023. In the same year, the Asia Business Law Journal named CFIP Law as the a leading firm in Intellectual Property Protection.
CFIP Law’s lawyers have also been included in Asia IP’s Top 50 IP Experts in the Philippines and The Legal 500’s Recommended Lawyers. They have also been recognized as Notable Practicioners by ManagingIP and Asia Law and as ranked lawyers in IP prosecution & strategy and in IP enforcement & litigation by the World Trademark Review for 2023.
Advocacies: The firm’s members have been active in sharing their experiences in the field of IP. For instance, CFIP Law’s members were invited to participate in the legislative hearing of the Special Committee on Creative Industries and Performing Arts of the House of Representatives of the Philippines which discussed the Creatives Industry Development bill. The bill, which was recently passed into law, aims to strengthen protection for Filipino creations. In addition, the firm sponsored a talk in a conference by IPR Gorilla which discussed the need to utilize legal mechanisms such as alternative dispute mechanisms to protect IP rights in the Philippines. In addition, our lawyers conduct lectures on IP topics in seminars such as those for the Mandatory Continuing Legal Education for Philippine lawyers. One of our founding partners is a senior lecturer in Intellectual Property in the country’s national university, the University of the Philippines. Lastly, CFIP Law’s lawyers have written works that have been published in international journals such as the International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, legal blogs such as IP Watchdog and top periodicals such as the Philippine Daily Inquirer.