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Spectrum Law (Lawyers and Legal Advisors)

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Initially established in 1982, and re-envisioned as an alliance, our firm has acquired unique and thorough experience in diligently handling complex and critical cases and transactions by representing individuals and corporations in more than 6000 cases in Lebanon and abroad.

As of 2015, the firm took a new approach by expanding its area of practice with the corporate and international aspect becoming a major player in the firm’s future plans. Moreover, the firm has been involved in numerous new endeavors, inter alia, new technologies, intellectual property, and Public Private Partnerships.


  • Arabic
  • English
  • French


  • Beirut Bar Association
  • International Bar Association
  • Union Internationale des Avocats
  • International Advisory Expert

Staffing Figures

  • 3 Partners
  • 3 Associates
  • 2 Paralegals
Content supplied by Spectrum Law (Lawyers and Legal Advisors)