
As aiming to play a leading role in all of its practice areas, our main objective as Özsoy Law Firm is to represent our clients in the best possible way, within the framework of the rule of law, confidentiality, professionalism and high quality. In order to achieve that objective we provide reconciliation methods in accordance with the general principles of law during the establishment of legal relationships as well as in dispute resolution processes.

As Özsoy Law Firm we pay particular attention on involving female employees with divergent roles within our team. Currently, 88% of our team consists of female lawyers, legal secretaries, human resources specialists and auxiliary workers besides 64% of our executive staff being female.

By giving place to a high number of young lawyers within our team, we provide encouraging opportunities which will make them gain practical experience besides developing their critical thinking and legal judgement skills.

We organize various trainings particularly in legal and other supplementary fields that will increase the motivation of our employees and ensure their effectiveness and development.

At Özsoy Law Firm, all of our employees have equal rights without any discrimination regardless of their religion, sect, language, race, color, gender, political opinion, philosophical belief and other similar reasons.

Content supplied by Özsoy Law Firm