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Domenico Malatesta

Domenico Malatesta

Goodwin Malatesta, South East


Dom is also a Costs Lawyer and member of the Association Costs Lawyers and has acted in many cases representing both Claimants and Defendants.  Prior to working with Malcolm in Westminster from 1996, Dom spent several years in two of the City's premier law firms.

He has advised on various costs issues and acted in many cases opposing costs in civil actions as well as advising on the recovery of costs in the Court of Protection and Central Funds.  He also advises clients throughout the litigation process, including costs budgeting and costs estimates.  He particularly specialises in the opposition of costs in civil healthcare actions.


March 2006 to present date Director – Goodwin Malatesta Legal Costs Services Ltd

May 2004 – February 2006 Law Costs Draftsman – Masters Legal Costs Services

October 1996 to April 2004 Law Costs Draftsman – Winckworth Sherwood Solicitors

1994 to October 1996 Lovells

1991 to 1994 Linklaters


Association of Costs Lawyers

Commissioner for Oaths

Content supplied by Goodwin Malatesta