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Berker Berker Law Office, seated in Levent, heart of the business life in Istanbul, offers a very wide range of legal services to its local and foreign clients residing either in Turkey or abroad.

Thanks to the professional experiences of our founders going back many years and covering many different fields of law, our Law Office is very well aware of the real needs and demands of the commercial and corporate life. As a natural result thereof, at both servicing and counseling stages, we always take into consideration realities of commercial and corporate life and take care of actual needs and requirements of corporations. We ensure our clients to have direct access to accurate, true and current information in a short time, and offer result-oriented counseling services to them. At all times, our primary goal is to prevent emergence of disputes whenever we assist a Client.

However, if and when a dispute becomes unavoidable, Berker Berker is able to take immediate and pragmatic actions in order to protect the rights and interests of its clients by making use of its vast experience in legal proceedings and arbitration.

Areas of Practise:

Banking and Finance: Berker Berker has represented clients, sometimes on behalf of financial institutions and sometimes on behalf of the borrower, in a wide variety of financing projects ranging from the preparation and negotiation of traditional loan agreements to be signed with domestic and foreign banks to the execution of financing transactions of special projects.

Maritime and Insurance: Berker Berker has significant experience in maritime and insurance law, advising international and local investment and commercial banks, financial institutions, shipowners, charterers, agents, brokers, fuel and other suppliers, seafarers, P&I, hull and machinery and cargo insurers/reinsurers and salvage and rescue companies on the drafting of freight contracts and bills of lading, dispute resolution, ship keeping in Turkey and abroad.

Energy and Natural Resources: In the field of energy and natural resources law, in which public authority is predominantly involved, Berker Berker has special expertise in thermal power plants and flue gas treatment, renewable energy (hydro, solar, wind, geothermal). Berker Berker's services in this field are divided into three categories: administrative transactions, private law transactions and disputes.

Real Estate and Construction: Berker Berker has many years of experience in housing projects, shopping center development projects, power plant construction projects, especially thermal power plants, highway-bridge-dam projects. We advise clients on the acquisition of real estate in Turkey by foreigners, consultancy services during the application for licenses, permits and activity certificates to be obtained from public authorities, preparation of construction and subcontractor contracts, preparation of loan agreements and collateral agreements to be signed with banks and more.

Corporate: As Berker Berker, we provide services in the fields of company establishment, mergers and acquisitions, preparation of Due Diligence report, capital increase and decrease transactions, participation in the General Assembly, ensuring that decisions are taken in accordance with the meeting and decision quorum, registration and announcement of General Assembly Resolutions, branch opening/closing transactions, registration of signature circulars and consultancy to the Board of Directors.

Contract: Berker Berker creates typical and atypical contracts, including but not limited to purchase and sale of goods and services, distributorship, agency, franchising, sole-selling, loan, work, proxy, cooperation, license, donation, confidentiality, leasing and others, with a solution-oriented approach in accordance with commercial needs, revises existing contracts by taking into account legal developments, and participates in contract negotiations in cases where the parties cannot agree on commercial and legal points.

Labor and employment: Berker Berker provides legal consultancy services on issues such as the preparation of individual and collective labor agreements and workplace guidelines for employees, consultancy on labor law legislation, permits to be obtained from public authorities for the foreign employees of our client companies to work in Turkey, resolution of disputes between employees and employers through mediation or litigation.

PPP: Berker Berker provides services in the field of public-private partnerships in terms of following up the preparation phase of the PPP project tender organized by public authorities (including the establishment of a joint venture and project financing) and providing legal advice during the process, drafting the contract to be signed with the public administration following the tender award, drafting and negotiating the contracts to be signed with the suppliers for the supply of goods / services to the project.

Data Protection: Berker Berker's services includes identification and analysis of data within the scope of the harmonization process, online and in-class trainings are provided to companies in order to ensure the awareness of each company employee who touches the data in order to eliminate the risk by creating data recording systems, preparing contracts, undertakings and information forms to be signed with data owners.

E-Commerce: As Berker Berker, we create the legal infrastructure of companies in a way that will enable them to engage in e-commerce (service provider) or to act as an intermediary (intermediary service provider) and to communicate with their customers through electronic communication tools since their establishment.

Telecommunication: Berker Berker provides services in the fields of end-to-end follow-up of telecommunication company projects and inter-operator contracts (interconnection, all kinds of access, national and international roaming, national and international traffic transportation contracts, etc.), Virtual Network operator establishment and structuring, business partnership agreements, campaign cooperation agreements, digital product agreements, contracts for telecommunication services and services received via mobile devices, contracts for revenue sharing, contracts for value added services.

Litigation and dispute resolution: In addition to our experience in judicial (Civil Courts of Peace, Civil Courts of First Instance and Commercial Courts of First Instance) and administrative (Council of State, Administrative Courts and Regional Administrative Courts) proceedings, Berker Berker has extensive experience in domestic arbitration and foreign arbitration proceedings, particularly ICC.