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The firm: EAK Legal provides meticulous and reliable legal consultancy, mediation, litigation and enforcement services at the highest level with its expert lawyers and academicians in the fields of commercial, corporate, civil, law of obligations, enforcement and bankruptcy, real estate, maritime trade, labor and social security, foreigners law.

In this context, first and foremost, EAK Legal provides legal counseling and preventive legal services to many real and legal persons, both local and international, operating in different sectors.

At the same time, EAK Legal successfully represents its clients in disputes to which they are a party, and resorts to litigation and alternative dispute resolution methods by producing solution-oriented methods both before and after the dispute.

Areas of practice
Enforcement and bankruptcy law: EAK Legal provides legal services in all areas of debt collection, as a representative of its clients who are creditors, both domestically and internationally. We manage the follow-up of any type of debt owned to our clients, ranging from the execution of court decisions obtained in successful lawsuits, to promissory note enforcement, current account receivables, eviction and rent collection, mortgage and pledge enforcement, and insolvency-related collection cases. We emphasize the importance of timely debt collection and work diligently to ensure that our clients’ financial interests are protected. Our goal is to achieve successful debt recovery for our clients while minimizing their legal risks and costs.

EAK Legal also provides services as a debtor representative, including consultancy services for the follow-up, structuring, and resolution of debt settlement process, as well as the comprehensive technical management of concordat requests and their legal proceedings, and the effective completion of reconciliation processes.

In the debt collection cases, the movable and immovable properties of individual and corporate debtors, as well as their rights and receivables with third parties, are thoroughly investigated and seizures are executed quickly. EAK Legal provides all kinds of consultancy services in debt collection and enforcement law and also provides practical services to its clients in the preparation of contracts underlying the debt, the drafting bills of exchange, collateral and mortgage documents, and the simultaneous application of the provisions to be applied in accordance with the latest regulations.

Labor and social security law: EAK Legal offers comprehensive legal consultancy services to its clients in the form of corporations, foundations, and association status, in the areas of employment and social security law by providing support in the execution of preventive and regulatory services against legal risks, as well as in the dispute management after the conflict arises.

Our team of experts specialize in all aspects of employment and social security law and provide clients with services in compliance with the latest regulations. These services include preparation of standard or customized employment contracts, organization of intellectual property and unfair competition provisions according to legislation, development of personnel records, and necessary standards, creation of standard documentation practices for labor law (workplace regulations, salary statements, inventory forms, vehicle usage instructions, overtime and leave forms, performance evaluation system documentation, reports to used in case of non-compliance with the employment agreement, request for defence, warning penalty, termination notice, letter of release, severance pay agreement, documentation required for notification of occupational accidents, documentation required for collective dismissal, official correspondence government agencies etc.).

Our legal representation also covers litigation, mediation and dispute resolution processes. Additionally, we handle compensation cases regarding pecuniary/ non-pecuniary damages arising from occupational accidents, Social Security Institution recourse and penalty cases (both on behalf of employees and employer), litigation related to the detection and prevention of non-competition, and follow-up of disputes arising from inspections carried out by Social Security Institution and Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Litigation and dispute resolution: EAK Legal has unparallel experience in the follow-up of judicial and arbitral proceedings on a national and international scale. It renders services in a wide range of litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution cases. EAK Legal   is particularly experienced in litigations relating to commercial agreements and the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Turkey.

Further, EAK Legal   offers effective solutions both in litigation and in cases where a settlement can be reached before legal action is taken. EAK Legal has established many amicable agreements and has helped settle a significant amount of arbitration cases with the support of its broad network, national and international. EAK Legal works together with other leading law firms around the world in order to better meet the needs of its distinguished clients.

Family and inheritance law: EAK Legal procures comprehensive legal services in the field of family law, including divorce, property settlement, and alimony, as well as custody and guardianship. Within this framework, our firm works with expert consultants.

In line with the needs of our clients, we provide services in family law disputes such as marriage, engagement, divorce, alimony obligations, property regimes between spouses, establishment of parentage, adoption, family property, and guardianship. We also offer services to protect the rights of our clients under relevant laws and international agreements, while preserving the principle of privacy.

In terms of inheritance law EAK Legal provides the most comprehensive services in the preparation of wills and inheritance contracts. Additionally, our firm offers the most extensive legal support to our clients in matters such as distribution, fraudulent transfers, and cancellation of transactions that violated reserved shares.

Commercial and corporate law: EAK Legal offers expert legal consultancy and advocacy services to both domestic and international clients in all aspects of corporate law, from company formation to liquidation. With our wealth of experience, we provide comprehensive services that include monitoring the incorporation procedures, drafting articles of association, conducting merger and demerger negotiations, as well as providing consultancy with respect to general assembly preparations, board of directors’ draft resolutions and share transfer agreements.

At EAK Legal, our corporate law services encompass a broad range of areas, including corporate governance, transaction review, board of directors, shareholders’ meetings, mergers and acquisitions, tax planning, IPOs, commercial contracts and transactions, employment relations, agency and distribution relationships, subsidiaries, intellectual property assets, bankruptcy postponement and liquidation.

We keep our clients up to date on the latest changes in corporate law and provide consultancy services that go beyond mere compliance with legal decisions related to their specific business practices. Furthermore, we inform our clients about recent court rulings and ensure compliance with those rulings, by taking into account the unique circumstances of each individual corporation.

Contract law: EAK Legal provides wide range of legal advice and consultancy to its clients starting from negotiation and drafting stages of contracts to be concluded, and adapts these services to the unique needs of different sectors.

Depending on the specific requirements and field of activities of each client, EAK Legal offers services in various areas such as distribution agreements, franchising agreements, purchase and sale agreements, agency agreements, construction agreements, loan agreements, insurance agreements, service agreements, management, consulting and retainer agreements and lease agreements, among others.

Personal data protection: EAK Legal provides wide range of services to the corporations and institutions concerning the Turkish personal data protection law so as to make them adapt to the related law and enhance awareness of the relevant legislation.

Our services in the area of personal data protection include providing training about the obligations imposed by the law on corporations, conducting assessments and creating data inventories related to companies data flows, preparing explicit consent texts and information procedures that need to be obtained from personal data owners, preparing procedures for the transfer and processing of personal data in accordance with the legislation, preparing and revising contracts, and monitoring the registration procedures of data administrators in the registry of data administration.

Startup and IT law: EAK LEGAL represents some of the main actors in the Turkish investment field including start-ups, CVC funds, investment vehicles and holding groups. The team also works closely with legislators and semi-governmental organizations in complying with legal requirements under personal data protection law.

Criminal law: EAK Legal, together with expert lawyers in criminal law, provides services to follow the detention, investigation, prosecution processes that start with the allegation of committing a crime, primarily in the criminal law legislation such as the Turkish Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures.

Especially during the investigation stage, our duties include representing the suspect during the police stage, prosecutor’s stage, and interrogation process, as well as representing the defendant in the Criminal Courts during the prosecution stage.

In cases where our clients are complainants or intervening parties, our services include ensuring the effective progress of the investigation, following up on the file during the evidence collectiong stage, and representing our clients fully and properly during the file evaluation stage.

Energy and mining law: EAK Legal provides legal support in all processes regulated by energy and mining legislation, including but not limited to obtain the necessary licenses and permits on behalf of local and foreign companies operating in the energy and mining sectors. Our firm offers legal consultancy services on developments in such fields, financing of various energy projects, particularly petroleum transportation and other legal matters.

Regarding energy investment processes, our firm provides legal support for monitoring licensing and permit application processes before the Energy Market Regulatory Authority and various public institutions and for solving encountered issues. EAK Legal also presents legal consultancy services for the preparation of detailed examination (Due Diligence) reports on the relevant sector, following up on lawsuits against decisions taken by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority and administrative actions by institutions, preparing concession agreements, drilling, production, and rehabilitation contracts, production sharing agreements, and license agreements. Our firm also offers consultancy on different subjects such as project development, project consultancy, preparation of related legal documents, offering consultancy on negotiations between contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers and preparation of related contract drafts, as well as following up on regulatory and compliance processes.

Intellectual property law: The rapid spread of international trade in the course of globalization has increased the necessity of protecting the distinctive characteristic products, services, and technology transfers of domestic and foreign corporations. In this context, intellectual property law has rapidly developed in Turkey. In this respect, Turkey, due to becoming a contracting state to many international conventions, updated and developed relevant laws regarding this matter.

EAK Legal closely follows national and international markets and legal processes in the field of intellectual and industrial property rights, especially providing its clients with the best service in the registration and protection of foreign trademarks in Turkey as well as Turk trademarks, patents, and industrial design in foreign countries. The services provided in the field of intellectual property law cover various areas, such as all kinds of transactions related to trademarks and trademark rights, prevention of the abuse of trade secrets, consultancy services on intellectual property rights in merger and acquisitions, international trademark research, registration, and transfer processes, consultancy in license agreement negotiations, and preparation of necessary agreements.

Privatization law: EAK Legal has extensive experience in providing legal services in this field not only to local and foreign institutions but also to public institutions. EAK Legal anticipates potential problems and difficulties that may arise in the future by providing legal consultancy services to its clients at every stage of privatization and market developments and recommendations accordingly. EAK Legal’s services continue during the period, when client companies begin to operate fully competitive and privatized markets and during restructuring and privatization procedures.

Foreign and nationality law: EAK Legal renders all necessary legal services to foreign investors who operate or intend to invest in Turkey to carry our their investment in compliance with the law. Our office provides international standard consultancy services to foreign clients for corporation formation, liaison office setup, and all kinds of commercial transactions in Turkey.

In addition, we deliver consultancy services to individuals and legal entities who are interested in working in Turkey or employing foreign workers. We are equipped to provide assistance with their foreign work permit applications to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, as well as residence procedures at the security units. For a significant period of time, EAK Legal has been advising prominent foreign investors in Turkey on these matters.