Region Area

News and developments

Sehk revises corporate governance code

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) proposed enhancing corporate governance of its 2,600 listed issuers on the Main Board and GEM in a mid-summer consultation paper titled Review of Corporate Governance Code and Related Listing Rules.
29 August 2024

Regulatory investigation in hong kong 

Regulatory investigations in Hong Kong cover enquiries, interviews or raids by regulators or enforcement authorities in relation to corruption, corporate fraud, white-collar crime, breach of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and market misconduct in the securities market governed by the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”). In this article, we examine some of the core issues in relation to regulatory investigations which both corporations and individuals should be aware of so that they could be well prepared in the face of a regulatory investigation. 
15 August 2024
Press Releases

Change of our firm name to “yyc legal llp”

We are pleased to announce that our firm name has been changed from “Yang & Yang Solicitors LLP楊楊律師事務所有限法律責任合夥” to “YYC Legal LLP 楊楊朱律師事務所有限法律責任合夥”.
22 July 2024