Aquaxis Law Office
Our firm name “Aquaxis” is actually a combination of two words, “Aqua” and “Axis”. Aqua, or water, is a familiar yet indispensable element for all living things. It flows indefinitely and has shaped the history of the earth, repeating the cycle of flowing out of the ground and through the earth, becoming the sea, turning into rain, and seeping into the ground once again. We chose the word “Aqua” as the name of our firm because we want to have a similar existence for our clients, being one with them and understanding their situation and flowing with speed and efficiency. We have also added the word “Axis” to express our desire to be a firm in which all members work with each other based on a single, united philosophy of using our collective knowledge to address and resolve our clients’ issues with a strong sense of responsibility.
Please also refer to our firm’s website for further details of Aquaxis’ mission, vision, and values, as well as our practice areas and industries of expertise, and the backgrounds of each attorney and other professionals.
Main Areas of Practice
- Corporate
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution
- M&A and Business Restructuring
- Employment and Labor
- Intellectual Property
- Finance
- Personal Information and Data Protection
- Defamation and Privacy
- Antimonopoly and Competition
- Consumer Protection
- International Legal Affairs and Overseas Regulatory Compliance
- Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices
- Food Regulations
- Startups and Ventures
- Family Businesses
- Criminal Defense and Financial Crimes
- Administrative and Regulatory
- Risk Management and Compliance
- Pro Bono Activities
- English
- Japanese
- MSI Global Alliance
- American Chamber of Commerce
Staffing Figures
- 15 Lawyers
- 5 Paralegals and Staff