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Angharad Harris

Keystone Law, London

Work Department

Employment: employers and senior executives


Angharad has over 25 years of experience working in a City law firm with 15 years as a partner. She advises on all aspects of employment law across a wide range of industry sectors across both the public and private sectors, acting for individuals and firms.

Her practice is varied and she is particularly experienced at dealing with sensitive strategic employment law issues, including matters that involve reputational risk. This includes dismissals, board-level disputes, negotiating new contracts, employment aspects of commercial transactions, large global reorganisations, collective consultation issues, the Transfer of Undertaking Regulations and outsourcing issues, and employment litigation (including discrimination and whistleblowing, restrictive covenants and bonus issues).

Her work often includes an international element involving corporates in multiple jurisdictions or individual clients with cross-border employment issues. She also advises businesses and individuals in relation to UK immigration matters.
