Chuyen Hong Huu LePartner Practice Areas: Aviation, Consumer Products, Life Sciences, Compliance and Investigations, Corporate/M&A, Employment
Hung Tuan NguyenManager, Electronics Division of Patent Deparment Practice Areas: Intellectual Property
Loc Xuan LePrincipal, T&G Law Firm LLC (TGVN) Practice Areas: Competition and Trade, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property
Sarah GaleskiCounsel Practice Areas: Consumer Products, Energy, Life Sciences, Compliance and Investigations, Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Employment
Thanh Phuong VuManager, Biotechnology & Chemical Division of Patent Department Practice Areas: Intellectual Property
Trung NguyenDirector, Intellectual Property - T&G Law Firm LLC (TGVN), HCMC Practice Areas: Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Intellectual Property