Alan AdcockPartner Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Commercial Transactions and M&A, Life Sciences, Regulatory Affairs, Government Relations
Chaiwat KeratisuthisathornPartner and Head of Tilleke & Gibbins' Property Practice Practice Areas: Corporate/M&A, Property
Charunun SathitsuksomboonPartner Practice Area: Corporate/M&A, Competition and Trade, Consumer Products
Chusert SupasitthumrongPartner Practice Areas: Dispute Resolution, Litigation, Employment, Product Liability and Consumers Claims, White Collar Crime, Bankruptcy and Restructuring, International Trade, Maritime, Tax.
Chuyen Hong Huu LePartner Practice Areas: Aviation, Consumer Products, Life Sciences, Compliance and Investigations, Corporate/M&A, Employment
Cynthia M. PornavalaiCounsel Practice Areas: Banking and Finance, Corporate/M&A, Insolvency, Bankruptcy, and Restructuring, Trade and Competition, Japanese Client Services, Property and Construction
Darani VachanavuttivongManaging Partner and Managing Director of Intellectual Property Department Practice Area: Intellectual Property
David LymanChairman and Chief Values Officer Practice Areas: Management, Client Relations and Development, Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Corporate/M&A, Compliance and Investigation
David MolSenior Associate Practice Area: Corporate/M&A, Employment, Regulatory Affairs, Intellectual Property, Insurance, Life Sciences
Eric M. MeyerConsultant Practice Areas: Consumer Products, Insurance, Compliance and Investigations, Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Employment
Hung Tuan NguyenManager, Electronics Division of Patent Deparment Practice Areas: Intellectual Property
Jay CohenPartner and Director, Cambodia Practices: Property, Employment, Intellectual Property, Corporate/M&A, Compliance and Investigations, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets
John FrangosPartner and Director, Dispute Resolution Practice Areas: Aviation, Compliance and Investigations, Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Kobkit ThienpreechaPartner Practice Areas: Corporate Services, Commercial Transactions and M&A, Capital Market Compliance and Advisory
Loc Xuan LePrincipal, T&G Law Firm LLC (TGVN) Practice Areas: Competition and Trade, Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property
Michael RamirezCounsel Practice Areas: Competition and Trade, Compliance and Investigations, Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Employment
Nitikar NithAssociate Practice Areas: Banking and Finance, Corporate/M&A, Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Employment, Energy
Nopparat LalitkomonPartner Practice Areas: Technology, Banking and Finance, Competition and Trade, Corporate/M&A, Employment
Noppramart ThammateeradaychoPartner Practice Areas: Insurance, Technology, Competition and Trade, Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Nwe OoSenior Associate Practice Areas: Compeition and Trade, Corporate/M&A, Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Employment
Pimvimol (June) VipamaneerutPartner Practice Areas: Labor and Employment, Private Client Services, Transportation and Logistics, International Trade
Prisna SungwannaPartner and Director, Laos Practice Areas: Aviation, Energy, Banking and Finance, Corporate/M&A, Employment, Property
Saithong RattanaAssociate Practice Areas: Energy, Compliance and Investigations, Corporate/M&A, Intellectual Property
Santhapat PerieraPartner Practice Areas: Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Corporate/M&A, Energy and Natural Resources, Environment, Aviation, International Trade, Restructuring and Insolvency.
Sarah GaleskiCounsel Practice Areas: Consumer Products, Energy, Life Sciences, Compliance and Investigations, Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Employment
Sochanmalisphoung VannavuthAssociate Practice Areas: Banking and Finance, Corporate/M&A, Employment, Property,
Suebsiri TaweeponPartner Practice Areas: Intellectual Property; Technology, Multimedia, and Communications; Dispute Resolution and Litigation
Supasit BoonsanongPartner and Head of Tilleke & Gibbins' Energy Practice Practice Areas: Energy, Banking and Finance, Corporate/M&A
Thanh Phuong VuManager, Biotechnology & Chemical Division of Patent Department Practice Areas: Intellectual Property
Thawat Damsa-ardPartner and Chief Litigator Practice Areas: Competition and Trade; Compliance and Investigations; Customs; Insolvency, Bankruptcy, and Restructuring; Litigation; Mediation and Arbitration; Product Liability; Tax; Transportation
Tiziana SucharitkulManaging Partner Practice Areas: Litigation, Arbitration, and Dispute Resolution; Commercial Law
Trung NguyenDirector, Intellectual Property - T&G Law Firm LLC (TGVN), HCMC Practice Areas: Dispute Resolution and Litigation, Intellectual Property
Wongrat RatanaprayulPartner and Director, Indonesia Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Life Sciences, Regulatory Affairs
Yuwadee Thean-ngarmPartner and Director, Myanmar Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Corporate/M&A, Employment, Technology, Competition and Trade, Life Sciences, Regulatory Affairs, Dispute Resolution and Litigation