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Ocampo & Suralvo Law Offices (In association with DFDL)

Region Area


The firm: For Philippine legal and tax matters, DFDL collaborates with Philippine law firm Ocampo & Suralvo Law Offices firm (OS Law). Their partners’ expert knowledge of the Philippine regulatory framework and experience with domestic and foreign investment proposals, combined with access to DFDL’s regional legal and tax expertise and extensive experience in international cross-border transactions in the South and Southeast Asian markets for more than 20 years, enables OS Law to assist clients in optimizing opportunities and handling investments in this part of the globe.

Areas of practice: OS Law is comprised of Philippine attorneys with outstanding academic and professional backgrounds and decades of legal, government, and regulatory experience. They are skilled industry advisers, having worked at top Philippine law firms and professional service firms where they have been involved in significant transactions and dealt with foreign clients acquiring, managing, or divesting Philippine investments. The power and energy sector is a key focus for OS Law as it builds on its partners’ experience with the industry in previous professional capacities.

OS Law assists in all aspects of Philippine general corporate and commercial legal practice across the spectrum of clients’ business concerns including mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, corporate restructuring, foreign direct investments, and taxation.


  • English (fluent)
  • Filipino


  • French Chamber of Commerce
  • European Chamber of Commerce

Staffing Figures

  • 5 Partner
  • 10 Advisor
Content supplied by Ocampo & Suralvo Law Offices (In association with DFDL)