
At Major Family Law we recognise the importance of a diverse workforce to both eliminate discrimination and to create a strong team that will be a benefit to one another and to our clients. We pride ourselves on our commitment to fair treatment and have built an incredible team of solicitors that is equal and representative, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, race, religion or any disability that they may have.

We provide an equality of opportunity where we exclusively hire solicitors based on their personality, aptitude and ability. Each member of our team is influenced to exercise personal development to bring them to their full potential, and we actively look to facilitate this training where required. Any professional advancement or promotion will be as a result of accomplishments and personal development.

We also advocate for members of the LGBTQ+ community in their needs for a family and divorce representation.

We take all accusations of discrimination seriously and will take any appropriate action necessary to provide a welcoming work environment for our team, and a safe place for our clients to come and discuss their needs. All complaints will be investigated in accordance with the firm’s grievance or complaints procedure with the complainant being informed of the outcome.

Major Family Law also support The Brain Tumour Charity, an organisation fighting to find a cure for Brain Cancer. We have an incredible opportunity to help support, and better, an incredible organisation like The Brain Tumour Charity, and so we have made a public commitment to helping raise money for this cause.