News and developments


Ending "Endo"

“Endo” is the twin brother of the drug monster that also needs to be slain, so says the Duterte administration.  “Endo” is layman’s term for end of employment contract.  It is the date indicated on the employment contracts and is dreaded by employees as it means the end of his or her employment. Read more...
28 October 2019
Corporate & Commercial

Antitrust Laws: A Glance At The Philippine Competition Act

Antitrust laws, also referred to as “competition laws”, are statutes developed to protect consumers from predatory business practices by ensuring that fair competition exists in an open-market economy. Competition laws regulate and prohibit several questionable business activities such as market allocation/ de facto monopoly whereby companies agree to steer clear of each other’s identified geographical market or territories; bid rigging whereby conspiring entities manipulate the market with a view of retaining current market share and price for each entity; and price fixing whereby two or three entities agree on the same selling price. Competition laws are designed to maximize consumer welfare by regulating or preventing business activities which stifle competition. Read more...
28 October 2019
Corporate & Commercial

FAQs on Foreign Investments in the Philippines

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) on investing in the Philippines, such as choosing the right corporate vehicle, the allowed areas of investment, tax incentives, and other key information.
13 June 2022
Corporate & Commercial

10 Questions Investors Need to Ask Before Investing in the Philippines

(1)What are the different forms of investment one can use? This is critical and fundamental because each form has its own characteristics, requirements, advantages and disadvantages that may affect or influence one’s decision in determining which form best suits the business to be established or investment to be made. Read more...
28 October 2019