
Amar Prakash Singh

Work Department



Senior Legal Advisor


Mr. Singh has 40 years of professional experience in the field of Intellectual Property, particularly Trade Marks and Geographical Indications. He served for 31 years at the Indian Trademarks Registry and retired as a Joint Registrar of Trademarks, Mumbai. Thereafter, he was appointed as a Consultant by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. He served for two years as Consultant in the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Design & Trademarks.   Mr. Singh has served at various positions in a number of departments such as Examination, Administration, Publication, Ministerial and Parliamentary matters. He has adjudicated a large number of dispute cases in relation to registration of trademarks and some of his judgments have been reported in leading law journals. Prior to joining RKD, he worked at other law firms for a period of three years. During his tenure at the Trademark Registry, he attended various international conferences including high level meetings at WIPO, Geneva.



English and Hindi


Master Degree in Economics and Bachelor of Law (L.L.B.) and enrolled as an advocate at Bar Council of India


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