
Oliver Klöck

Oliver Klöck

Work Department

Healthcare Regulatory, Healthcare Compliance



Oliver Klöck advises on regulatory healthcare law and his clients include major service providers and investors in the healthcare sector - hospitals, operators of medical care centres, laboratory companies, private equity houses, nursing home operators but also statutory health insurance companies. His practice focuses on the licensing and financing of new facilities as well as large-volume transactions, cooperations, outsourcing and PPP projects. Oliver advises his clients in particular on hospital law, the law governing authorised physicians, the law governing medical professions and the law governing statutory health insurance. He also advises on cooperations and innovative business models in the fields of e-health and telemedicine

Oliver is a member of several committees in the healthcare industry. Among them are memberships in the advisory boards of the Digital Lab of the Capital Congress Medicine and Health (Hauptstadtkongress), the Hospital Public Procurement Congress (Beschaffungskongress der Krankenhäuser) and the Integrata Foundation for Humane Use of Information Technology (Integrata-Stiftung für humane Nutzung der Informationstechnologie). Außerdem hat er einen Lehrauftrag für Gesundheitsrecht an der Hochschule Aalen. Further, he is lecturer for Healthcare Law at the University of Applied Sciences Aalen.


2006 Partner, Taylor Wessing 2002 – 2006 Associate, Taylor Wessing 2000 – 2002 Legal clerkship, Cologne 1989 – 1999 Editor, newspaper Kölnische Rundschau


German, English, Spanish


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kassenarztrecht Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Medizinrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Verwaltungsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein Forum Gesundheitswirtschaft Düsseldorf


2002 Admitted as a lawyer, Düsseldorf 2002 Second state examination, Düsseldorf 1997 Doctoral degree, dissertation on legal issues relating to waste incineration, University of Cologne 1990 First state examination, Cologne 1985 – 1990 Degree in law, University of Cologne


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