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The firm: Masuda & Partners Law Office was established in February 2008 under the leadership of experienced and forward-thinking Japanese lawyer, Eiji Masuda, with the able assistance of his colleagues.

From the start our firm has committed to offering the highest quality legal services possible, in a sophisticated and timely manner, so as to meet our clients’ ‘true’ needs, given the ever growing expectations for lawyers in today’s rapidly and greatly changing globalized world.

The firm aims to establish a powerful structure of optimum size and offers the most efficient and effective legal options for our clients, while ensuring that all members of our firm can trust and collaborate very closely with one another.

The firm has the support of many clients, colleagues and friends that share Masuda & Partners’ sense of commitment and vision. With that support, our firm is advancing its mission and continues to develop in order to make our clientele’s goals a reality.

Areas of practice
Corporate law and the financial instruments and exchange law: our firm provides a wide range of legal advice not only pertaining to general corporate law, but also regarding public and private offerings, disclosure requirements, takeover bids, reporting on large shareholdings, insider trading and other prohibited practices. Our firm also provides legal advice on regulations and codes of conduct for financial instruments business products under the financial instruments and exchange law.

Mergers and acquisitions: the firm provides legal advice on due diligence as well as drafting and negotiations regarding mergers and acquisitions. Our firm regularly advises on defensive measures against hostile takeover bids, either through lawyer-client consultations or through membership of independent committees established by several listed companies. The firm is assisted by the counsel of Professor Minoru Tokumoto of Tsukuba University, one of Japan’s leading scholars, who has intimate familiarity in the area and by the counsel of Professor Tsuyoshi Kinoshita, a previous Professor of Law at the University of Tokyo, Hokkaido University, Chuo University and St. Paul University, located in the United States of America.

Compliance/corporate governance: under the leadership of managing partner Eiji Masuda, our firm provides legal advice on compliance matters (including defensive measures for inspections conducted by the Financial Service Agency) for banks, securities companies, insurance companies and other financial institutions, either through lawyer-client consultations or through membership on Compliance Committees established by several highly sophisticated enterprises. Our firm also regularly advises on risk/crisis management regarding white-collar crime, including corporate crime and corporate liability for employee misconduct, relying on the practical experience of Eiji Masuda, who served as General Counsel (Private Client Group) and Executive Officer of Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co, Ltd. The firm supports companies in various industries by presenting and conducting seminars as well as company training sessions.

Personnel/labour matters: the firm provides a full range of legal advice and services on personnel and labour law matters. Our firm represents clients in litigation as well as providing alternative resolutions in labour disputes.

Securitisation/new financial products: our firm offers legal advice on securitisation of real estate and innovative financial products, including those that use collective investment schemes.

Litigation and dispute resolution: the firm’s teamwork oriented litigation/dispute resolution is strong and focused. Our team works on large-scale, complex commercial disputes that cover both domestic and cross-border jurisdictions, acting as lead counsel when providing advice pertaining to aspects of Japanese law.

Asia practice: our firm has devoted itself to establish a strong network with excellent local law firms throughout South East Asia. Taking advantage of this network, the firm is able to provide a wide range of legal services on both inbound and outbound matters regarding South East Asia-related business.