Region Area


Yasue Kobayashi

Work Department

General Corporate, Intellectual Property (including Patent Litigation), IT-related Legal Affairs, Entertainment Law, Labour Law and General Civil.




Professional ExperienceJapanese Supreme Court Justice Training Center (1996)Aoyama Law Office (current name) (1998)Mori, Hamada & Matsumoto Law Office (current name) (2000)Masuda & Partners Law Office-Partner (2009-present)

Professional LicensesAdmitted to the Japanese Bar, Japan (1995)

Publications"Internet Legal Consultation (Revised)" Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association General Law Institute (joint work, 1999)

“Performing Arts and Law Handbook” Geisha Kyodo Publishing Department (joint work, 2002)

“Practice of Tort Law in Latest Cases” New Japan Law (joint work, 2003)

“Commissioned by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2006 Video Content International Joint Production Base Development Project Report “Overseas License Agreement”” (2007)

"Copyright Law Commentary" Keiso Shobo (2009)

"Copyright Law Commentary" Lexis Nexis Japan (2013)

"Copyright Law Commentary [2nd edition]" Keiso Shobo (2015)


Professional Activities, Memberships and AppointmentsMember of the Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association General Law Research Institute, Intellectual Property Research Group (1998)

Administrator for the Japan Intellectual Property Arbitration Center JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Case (2002)

Member of Lawyer Intellectual Property Net (2005)

Member of NPO Entertainment Lawyers Network (2005)

Team member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry commissioned survey, Video content international joint production infrastructure development project, Film contract research project team (2006-2007)

Member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Contents Global Strategy Study Group (2006-2007)

Member of the Intellectual Property System Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2007)


The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, Japan (1995, LL.B.)