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Minoru Tokumoto


Of Counsel


Professional Experience Lecturer at Kyushu University, Faculty of Law (1997) Delegated to USA (Yale University Law School) as an Overseas Researcher by the Japanese Ministry of Education (1999) Associate Professor at the University of the Ryukyus (2003-present) Visiting Professor at Meiji University (2005-present) Visiting Professor at Kyushu University (2005-present) Associate Professor at the University of Tsukuba, School of Law (2006) Associate Professor at Senshu University (2006-2007) Masuda & Partners Law Office-Of Counsel (2008-present) Professor at the University of Tsukuba, School of Law (2009-present)

Professional Licenses Admitted to the Japanese Bar, Japan (1990)

Publications “The Legal Theory of Hostile Takeovers” Kyushu University Press, 2000 “The Role of the Japanese Courts in Hostile Takeovers,” Law In Japan Vol.27, 1, 2001, etc.


Professional Activities, Memberships and Appointments Member of the Committee Related to the Special Economic Zone in Okinawa (2001) Member of the Committee Related to the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2005) Member of the Committee for the Japan Association of Middle and Small Size Corporations (2006-2008) Member of the Committee for the Consideration of Insurance Money for ALICO (2007) Member of the Committee for the Improvement of Canvass of Communication Selling for ALICO (2008) Member of the Committee for Corporate Takeovers for Hikari Business Form (2007) Member of the Board of Examiners for CPA (2009)


Kyushu University, Faculty of Law, Japan (1990, LL.B) Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law, Japan (1992, LL.M.) Yale University Law School, USA (1994, LL.M.) Scholar at Yale University Law School, USA (1994-1996) Kyushu University, Graduate School of Law (Credits Completed), Japan (1997) Kyushu University (Doctorate Awarded), Japan (1998, J.S.D.)