IABF Law Firm (IABF)
The firm: IABF Law Firm (IABF)’s focus is on building ongoing relationships with clients. One way in which it assists clients beyond standard legal services is by tapping into its strong network of both private and public sector contacts in Indonesia, in connecting clients with relevant business contacts, market intelligence and opportunities.
Our team is selected from a range of diverse career backgrounds, including multi-national corporations, national and international law firms, financial institutions, government bodies and university academia. This breadth of experience and sector knowledge contained within our team guarantees that we guide our clients to the best commercial business outcome available.
The firm’s clients range from individuals and start-up enterprises to leading business companies in Indonesia, including large national and multinational companies, state-owned enterprises, banks, financial institutions as well as international firms.
The firm’s vision is to be a leading business law firm in Indonesia, trusted and respected by clients for consistently delivering smart, practical legal services, and known for teamwork, professionalism and respect.
- English
- Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
- Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI)
- Capital Market Legal Consultants Association (HKHPM)
- Indonesian Competition Lawyer Association (ICLA)
- Indonesian Receiver and Administrator Association (AKPI)
- Registered consultant for Commercial Paper Transaction at Money Market
- Indonesian Intellectual Property Attorneys Association (AKHKI)
- Indonesia Data Privacy Professional Association (APPDI)
Staffing Figures
- 25 Number of lawyers