
The firm: Pisut & Partners is a leading law firm based in Bangkok having profound connections with international law firms across the region and other continents. Providing a vast array of services, Pisut & Partners specializes in litigation and arbitration law, corporate M&A, hotels and hospitality, insolvency and restructuring, trade competition, labor and employment, immigration, insurance, transportation, administrative cases, and white-collar criminal matters including other general commercial legal services. Notwithstanding our expertise, the firm always understands its clients’ needs and budgets.

Boasting a wealth of knowledge, the team of lawyers at Pisut & Partners have experience involving hotels and hospitality, corporate, commercial, labor and employment, property, Thai Court proceedings as well as arbitration under the ICC and the TAI rules.

A sign of the experience and wealth at the firm, managing partner, Mr Pisut Rakwong is an active member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, International Bar Association, the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific, the Thai Bar Association and Lawyers Council of Thailand. He has been practicing in Thailand with over 20 years of legal experience as well as an undoubted honest reputation and the tradition of uncompromised representation.

Quality legal representation is common ground within the legal industry, but what helps make Pisut & Partners stand out from its competitors is its dedication to its clients. The firm is solemnly devoted to maintaining and expanding its capabilities and expertise across a wide range of practice areas, therefore addressing the ever-increasing array of clients’ needs.

It is not just the areas of practice which is diverse throughout the company, as its qualified lawyers have achieved degrees from several prominent legal institutions on a global scale, but are also bilingual in many languages, mostly English and Thai.

Pisut & Partners is notable for having a strong dispute resolution practice. The team is constantly looking to go the extra mile for clients, and it is never a mandatory task, but something the legal team is happy and willing to do, looking to provide the best service possible. Available at a moment’s notice, lawyers are open to answering questions, being willing to communicate all aspects of our services to our clients.

Notable cases: Advising and conducting legal due diligence for a Thai public company in the acquisition of the land plots in the Industrial Estate in Rayong Province, the transaction valued at THB 2bn (approximately US$ 62.5m). Advising and conduct legal due diligence for a Thai listed company in the acquisition of 40% shares in a Leading company of Innovative Concept in One-Stop Water Pollution and Environment with expertise in water pollution management, and environmental engineering, which is a joint venture company of another Thai listed company.

Advising one of the largest Myanmar non-alcoholic beverage group of companies, on the preliminary conditions precedents to be eligible for listing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and advising on the appropriate option on group restructuring to comply with Thai law.

Advising a number of securities companies on relevant rules and regulations, such as the Public Company Act, SEC rules and regulations governing the issue and the offering of securities to the public, and SET listing rules and regulations.

Advising and conducting due diligence for a multinational contractor company on land ownership, corporate status, zoning restrictions and other issues before executing the Lease Agreement and relevant contracts.

Advising and conducting due diligence for a Global leading entertainment company in respect of the acquisition of Youtube channels from Thai artists and Thai operators.

Advising and conducting due diligence for a leading Malaysia Hotel Operator in respect of the US$ 17m acquisition from Japanese Investors of a 4 Star Hotel in Koh Samui, Thailand.

Advising and conducting due diligence for a multinational company in the acquisition of a new plant for its expansion in South East Asia and Australia.

Advising Thai and Laotian investors in the acquisition of a Duty-Free Project at the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge Zone.

Advising a Thai investor in acquisition of a 7.5 megawatts hydroelectric generating plant and related facilities located at Khoune City, Xieng Khouang District, Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

Advising a multinational telecommunication company in connection with general corporate advice and services, such as the incorporation of a company in Thailand, preparation and submission of the BOI application.

Advising a unicorn start-up company in connection with general corporate advice and services, such as the incorporation of a company in Thailand, preparation and submission of the BOI application.

Advising a US company in applying for promotion under the name of its subsidiary to the BOI and also applying for and receiving protection under the Treaty of Amity and Economic Cooperation between Thailand and the United States.

Advising a UK company in connection with general corporate advice and services, such as the incorporation of a company in Thailand, preparation and submission of the BOI application.

Advising a Thai limited public company in preparing a letter to the Office of Board of Investment requesting an extension of the Board of Investment Certificate issued.

Advising various companies in connection with reviewing and providing advice on compliance with the rules and regulations of the BOI.

Advising the world’s leading provider of technology for reservoir characterization, drilling, production, and processing to the oil and gas industry for regulatory compliance and labour and employment for its operation in Thailand.

Advising an international industrial service company and one of the world’s largest oil field services companies for regulatory compliance and labour and employment for its operation in Thailand.

Advising a multinational gas and engineering company for taxation, employment and expatriate services.

Advising and defending a global petroleum company against a computer-related criminal charge filed by its employee based on an allegedly false input of information into the company’s database on its server.

Advising the first OPITO-approved training provider of BOSIET with CAEBS, FOET with CAEBS and HUET with CAEBS in Thailand for regulatory compliance, non-competition and labour and employment.

Advising a global non-alcoholic beverage company in relation to regulatory compliance, employment and dispute resolution.

Advising a major Thai public company alcoholic beverage in relation to regulatory compliance, trade competition, alcoholic control act and dispute resolution.

Advising a global pharmaceutical company in relation to regulatory compliance, employment, and dispute resolution.

Advising a global platform for foods and beverage delivery company in relation to regulatory compliance, employment, trade secret, intellectual property and dispute resolution.

Advising a global consumer goods company in relation to regulatory compliance, employment, trade secret, intellectual property and dispute resolution.

Advising a global fast-food company in relation to regulatory compliance, employment, trade secret, intellectual property and dispute resolution.

Advising a European company in acquisition assets and established food delivery service provider in Thailand.

Advising a major Thai-Japanese automobile company, a major supplementary foods manufacturer, the biggest dealer of a Japanese automobile company in respect of distributorship and disputes on the various termination of distributorship.

Advising a major Thai-Japanese automobile company in relation to a criminal charge under the Trade Competition Act of Thailand, which was the first major case of its kind in Thailand.

Advising the World Bank in relation to agricultural cooperation, contracts, and alternative dispute resolutions in Thailand.

Advising the State of Queensland for competition campaign in Thailand.

Advising a charity organization of England and Wales in respect of its current status, risks, liabilities for a national office in Thailand.

Advising a Thai public listed company on registering its trademarks around the region.

Advising the world’s largest express transportation company, providing fast and reliable delivery to more than 220 countries and territories in relation to international carriage claims in Thailand.

Advising a group of celebrities on criminal charges in relation to improperly promoting a local beer through social media.

Advising a global reinsurer in relation to property damage and business interruption claims arising from the Bangkok unrest in May 2010.

Advising a Japanese trading company on THB 2bn in claims brought by a Thai state enterprise in the South Bangkok Civil Court concerning a contract for the supply of turbines for a power plant and arbitration clause.

Pursuing a claim in an arbitration under the ICC rules on behalf of a well-known construction advisory firm against its customer in connection with disputes over a hospitality project.

Advising a US-listed company against the Royal Thai Air Force in order to enforce the Arbitral Award in connection with flight simulation systems and governmental procurement.

Pursuing a THB 2bn claim in the South Bangkok Civil Court on behalf of a global explosive company against an influential Thai family in connection with wrongful conduct.

Advising a global financial institution against a THB 350m claim from a well-known hospitality group in Thailand in the Phuket Provincial Court in connection with a breach of contract.

Advising a global airline against a claim from passengers in the IPIT Court in connection with a breach of carriage contract.

Advising a Japanese shareholder against another shareholder’s request for the Civil Court to revoke a shareholders’ resolution of the joint venture company.

Advising a global semiconductor company and its directors against a criminal charge filed by a former employee in connection with a purported non-compliance with the Thai labour law.

Pursuing a US$ 1.2m claim on behalf of a global hotel chain against a group of its employees who fraudulently directed online reservation commissions into the accounts of fake travel agencies owned by the employees.

Defending a global IT company in the Labor Court against a THB 450m claim from its Thai and foreign former employees in connection with an alleged unfair termination.

Pursuing a THB 5.8bn claim in the Administrative Court on behalf of a well-known Thai IT company against a Thai government agency in connection with a breach of an administrative contract by the agency.

Advising a Thai semiconductor company against a THB 550m claim from a well-known Thai bank in connection with the bill of exchange and mortgage disputes.

Advising a news agency against a criminal defamation charge in connection with an exposure of corruption concerning the procurement of baggage carousels of an international airport.


  • Thai
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Bahasa Malaysia


  • American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)
  • Global law experts
  • ILF
  • Nextlaw Global Referral Network
  • The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • The International Bar Association
  • The Law Association for Asia and the Pacific
  • The Thai Bar Association
  • The Lawyers Council of Thailand

Staffing Figures

  • 16 Number of lawyers
Content supplied by Pisut & Partners