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Belden is a boutique firm recognised as specialists in construction and engineering.  Belden's core expertise is in construction and engineering, oil & gas, energy & utilities, and insurance claims related to these industries.  The firm's expertise, coupled with the their meticulous analysis, lead to effective management and resolution of claims and disputes.  Their lawyers are capable of analysing complex engineering and technical issues to support experts, consultants and technical teams involved in disputes and claims.  Their experience ensures they understand industry requirements and their clients’ desire to balance risk and reward. The partners at Belden have a hands-on approach in every engagement.  Because of their attention to detail, they leave no stone unturned in every issue they are asked to advise upon and resolve. Like investigators, they piece together the facts and technical issues so that they have a complete understanding of the issues at hand, that at times even the client may not have. They provide meticulous analysis that few others would venture. In doing so, they bring leverage to every case and remain in a league of their own.

Belden's on-project advisory includes procurement strategies, project risk management, claims, and dispute management or avoidance. Their dispute resolution experience includes mediation, early neutral evaluation, expert determination, adjudication, arbitration and litigation.

Belden also offers customised training to strengthen their clients’ in-house standards and processes, making their clients more industry-resilient.