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Adrian See Jooi Hong

Adrian See Jooi Hong

Work Department

Construction & Engineering Disputes Resolution


Managing Partner.


Adrian See was admitted as advocate & solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 2009. He is a panel arbitrator of the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Asian Institute of Alternate Dispute Resolution, Thailand Arbitration Centre and a certified CIPAA panel adjudicator with the AIAC.  Adrian’s practice is focused in the area of construction, engineering and industrial relations industries. He provides legal advisory on on-project claims and disputes to clients. Adrian has appeared at all levels of the Malaysian court system, and in domestic and international arbitrations. He is also skilled in other forms of dispute resolution such as adjudication, mediation, expert determination and early neutral evaluation.


He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Malaysian Institute of Arbitrators and the Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution.


LLB (Hons), National University of Malaysia.