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Blick and Co is a leading bespoke City of London law practice widely recognised for its dedicated approach and success strategy.

The firm: Blick and Co is comprised only of skilled individuals, each with a highly-regarded specialist reputation in their field, and operates with commitment and discretion for the benefit of its clients.

Its client base is almost entirely as a result of recommendation and comprises a broad spectrum.

Robert Blick brings to the firm all the international connections of his long standing diplomatic posts.

Types of work undertaken: Blick & Co has a well-deserved reputation of 30 years of excellence in family law dealing in high-net-worth cases, complex financial structures addressing regularly the multi-jurisdictional needs of their clients and the urgent issues that can arise when there is a choice of jurisdiction. Abigail Blick sits on the committee for the Society of English and American lawyers (SEAL). The firm is experienced in the rapidly changing world of pre and post-nuptial agreements and all issues relating to divorce, dissolution of civil partnership and same-sex marriages, claims involving financial provision for children of unmarried parents and all children matters.

The firm is recognised for conducting its leading family law department with the greatest of discretion.

The property team, similarly with the same exercise in discretion, enjoys huge experience over a wide spectrum of property matters with particular expertise, in acquisition and disposal, development work and commercial lending as well as residential purchases and sales and landlord and tenant matters for the benefit of a wide range of clients.

Services are provided with regard to all aspects of probate and administration and disputes arising out of trusts, wills and estates.

Staffing Figures

  • 2 Number of UK partners
  • 4 Number of other UK fee-earners
Content supplied by Blick & Co Solicitors