FerradaNehme > Santiago, Chile > Firm Profile

SANTIAGO, 7560970

Chile > Competition and antitrust Tier 1

FerradaNehme's sizeable 21-strong competition law team is consistently mandated for high-profile cartel and unilateral practices cases, as well as complex merger reviews. The firm also houses a highly-rated competition compliance department. The ‘extraordinarily competent, intelligent and dedicated team' is co-led by name partner and ‘simply brilliant' competition and regulatory law expert Nicole Nehme, whose extensive litigation practice covers proceedings before the TDLC, lower and higher courts, and the Supreme Court; Benjamín Mordoj, who focuses on the interaction between competition law and regulation issues; widely-respected litigation specialist Diego Hernández; and former FNE lawyer Mabel Ahumada (a partner since 2021). A second tier of key associate practice directors is composed of Catalina Íñiguez, Beatriz HidalgoJosefina Campos and Raffaela Corte, all of whom maintain broad competition practices. Currently heading the firm’s telecoms-related TDLC and FNE actions and investigations, of counsel Sebastián Dufeu is also noted. Former partner Tomás Pérez left the firm in December 2022.

Practice head(s):

Nicole Nehme; Benjamín Mordoj; Diego Hernández; Mabel Ahumada


Beyond the unquestionable professional quality of the team, what makes FerradaNehme different is that it is a cutting-edge firm.

The involvement of partners is deep. They can be counted on at all times and their advice is highly valued at a strategic level.

An extraordinarily competent, intelligent and dedicated team.

Very dedicated to work, detail and jurisprudence, and always available outside office hours, including weekends.’

‘Great capabilities – the level is truly remarkable.

Great commitment.

Extensive experience of the Regulator and the business world.

Nicole Nehme is simply brilliant – she leads a team of very intelligent people, but her soft skills, lack of ego, objective and multi-dimensional take on problems and tremendous experience make her unique.

Key clients

Delta Air Lines

Liberty Latin America


Activision Blizzard



Prosegur Compañía de Seguridad







VTR Comunicaciones

Ferrocarril del Pacífico

Pegasus Aerogroup



Compañía Siderúrgica Huachipato

Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Los Lagos

Laboratorio Biosano

LG Electronics Inc Chile

Compañía de Petróleos de Chile Copec

Farmacias Ahumada

Lotus Producciones

Gasco GLP


Empresas Oxxean


San Antonio Terminal Internacional

Novo Nordisk Chile

G&N Brands


Work highlights

  • Advised Liberty Latin America on the merger-control proceeding before the FNE for the approval of a joint venture agreement with América Móvil.
  • Successfully advised Microsoft and Activision Blizzard (ABK) on a merger-control proceeding before the FNE for the approval of ABK’s acquisition by Microsoft.
  • Acted for Cargill (parent company of Ewos Chile Alimentos) against the FNE’s cartel claim before the TDLC against Biomar, Skretting, Vitapro and Ewos.

Chile > Consumer and advertising law Tier 1

FerradaNehme's broad consumer and advertising practice routinely litigates individual lawsuits, as well as high-stakes class actions. With ‘an amazing ability to find creative solutions', the team also represents clients before SERNAC, in response to communications, mediations and voluntary collective procedures. Clients further look to the group to design and update consumer-related prevention and compliance models. Also of note, the firm fields a robust advertising practice. Team leader Stella Muñoz, who ‘stands out for her deep knowledge', is a highly-rated consumer law specialist who has substantial experience in consumer litigation (particularly complex class actions), as well as regulatory issues. Providing further partner-level support is complex litigation expert Nicolás Ubilla. In the associate ranks, the consumer law experience of recently-promoted senior Aníbal Korn includes class action proceedings; while Mario Garfias, whose experience includes representing clients before SERNAC, is a May 2022 recruit from Gana y Galvez Abogados. Former associate Arturo Arriagada left the firm in February 2022.

Practice head(s):

Stella Muñoz


FerradaNehme is characterised by its excellent service, and its explanations are clear and the information is transparent.’

Lawyers with in-depth knowledge of their specialty areas and an amazing ability to find creative solutions. The work style is also very agile and pleasant; and its inclusion and diversity policies make it a firm that clients are very pleased to work with.

Clients are very happy to have FerradaNehme as their firm. All of its members stand out for their creativity and deep legal knowledge.

Clients especially highlight Stella Muñoz, Nicolás Ubilla, Aníbal Korn and Mario Garfias – all extraordinary professionals and outstanding in their professional practice.

‘Stella Muñoz stands out for her deep knowledge and thoroughness.’

Nicolás Ubilla – patient and constantly studying his areas.

Aníbal Korn – commitment to the cases and assignments.

Mario Garfias is a promising young lawyer.

Key clients

VTR Comunicaciones

Sky Airline

Lotus Producciones

Claro Chile

Latamfit Chile

Natura Cosméticos

Cosméticos Avon

Comercializadora Skechers Chile

Banco Santander Chile


Work highlights

  • Defended VTR Comunicaciones against four class actions filed by SERNAC and three consumer associations in relation to the provision of internet services and access during the pandemic.
  • Defended Latamfit Chile against three individual lawsuits, which related to alleged breaches of safety and professional duties under the Consumer Law.
  • Advised Sky Airlines on the implementation of an agreement reached with SERNAC during a voluntary collective procedure, which concerned the airline industry participating in the refund of boarding fees.

Chile > Environment Tier 1

The environment and natural resources department at FerradaNehme is particularly focused on the development and permitting aspects of complex projects; and the eight-strong team routinely works alongside its clients’ government and community relations teams to develop preventive strategies to avoid environmental conflicts. It also assists with the development of compliance programmes for clients’ environmental obligations; and the group is increasingly active in sanctioning procedures, particularly before the Superintendency of the Environment. Also of note, the practice has developed strong credentials in relation to the newly-enacted recycling and extended producer liability legislation (EPR Law). Heading up the firm’s environment and natural resources department, Patricio Leyton specialises in the development of mining and energy projects, particularly permitting and the Environmental Impact Assessment System; Valeria Ruz is experienced in permits and project development, her expertise including community relations, administrative matters and litigation; and Carola Salamanca‘s current practice includes development issues, land-use planning, and EPR Law advice. The firm’s second line of key advisers features director Claudio Tapia, a former public sector Prosecutor of sanctioning administrative procedures at the Superintendence of the Environment; and senior associate María-Pilar Dominguez, who regularly acts in high-profile environmental law disputes.

Practice head(s):

Patricio Leyton

Key clients

Andes Iron

Barrick Gold



Hochschild Mining

Teck Resources


Minera Santo Domingo

American Tower Chile III

Work highlights

  • Acting for Andes Iron in relation to a controversial and litigated project, and the filing of an appeal before the Environmental Court.
  • Defended BHP against an environmental damage lawsuit for the alleged damage that water extraction caused to the Tilopozo wetlands.
  • Providing Teck Resources with technical and strategical advice in relation to the development and processing of an environmental impact assessment.

Chile > Compliance Tier 2

FerradaNehme's broad practice houses specialists in competition, consumer, regulatory, public, environmental and privacy law compliance, with the five-strong department routinely developing robust compliance programmes for companies. During 2022, the practice was notable active advising on amendments made to Law 20.393 (which established criminal liability for legal entities) that designated four new crimes; such changes required reviews of clients’ prevention processes and the creation of controls to mitigate new risks to which clients could be exposed. The department is led by criminal litigator Rafael Collado, who regularly advises companies on the implementation of compliance models. He is supported at senior associate level by Lucía Álvarez, who assists international companies’ local subsidiaries with adapting their compliance systems to Chilean contexts. Álvarez also conducts  compliance training sessions on compliance issues; advises on internal investigations; and -thanks to her expertise in gender and sexual diversity issues- also facilitates the firm's ability to advise on the prevention of workplace and sexual harassment.

Practice head(s):

Rafael Collado


Excellent team, from partners to associates. They stand out for their strong knowledge and easy application to the reality of the specific business.

The plus is the closeness to the client.

They differ in terms of the prestige of the firm, the quality of their reports and their participation in relevant cases.

Key clients

Compañía de Aceros del Pacífico

BHP Biliton


Aguas Andinas


Novo Nordisk Farmacéutica



Vía Limpia

H2 Chile

Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Los Lagos


Work highlights

  • Advised Codelco on compliance matters.
  • Assisted Transunion with implementing a crime prevention model that focuses on cybercrime and fintech regulation.
  • Assisted H2 Chile with implementing a compliance system – both a criminal prevention model and an antitrust compliance programme.

Chile > Public law Tier 2

With ‘great technical knowledge of regulatory, administrative and constitutional law', FerradaNehme's public law and government practice encompasses expertise in administrative law, economic regulation and litigation; while recent mandates include both environmental and urban planning issues. Following the January 2023 departure of former partner and practice co-head Luis Cordero  to become Minister of Justice and Human Rights, the department is co-led by public and environmental law expert Josefina Court, whose career includes serving in the Legislative Office of the Presidency of Chile; and José Tomás Correa, who advises public agencies and private companies on administrative matters, administrative sanctioning procedures, and the regulated markets. Promoted to director level in May 2022, Fernanda Skewes focuses on regulatory work, administrative procedures, concessions, and administrative sanctioning and contentious proceedings before the Comptroller General of the Republic and the Superior Courts of Justice.

Practice head(s):

Josefina Court; José Tomás Correa


Much handling of country issues, public policy and administrative acts. Management of the energy sector and regulatory coherence.

Human and empathic people in their work and manner. Fernanda Skewes, the best lawyer.

Ferrada Nehme has an excellent team of professionals related to public and regulatory law. They have a deep knowledge of the issues, and provide a timely response to the requirements that are formulated.

José Tomás Correa stands out in the field of public law, coordinating and managing different tasks within the office.

Great technical knowledge on regulatory, administrative and constitutional aspects, in the national market.

Jose Tomas Correa. Closeness in his relationship with customers and great specialised knowledge.

We believe that FerradaNehme is a firm that stands out in this area of practice, characterised by its professionalism and for being at the forefront in relation to other firms.

We highlight Joaquín Carbone, a young lawyer of professional excellence. He makes the firm stand out further because of his ability to study, to be constantly updated and to keep clients updated.

Key clients

AES Andes


National Copper Corporation of Chile

San Antonio Port Company

National Energy Commission

Municipality of Renca

Claro and VTR joint venture

Moller & Perez -Cotapo



Work highlights

  • Assisted The Municipality of Renca with an urban conflict that concerned a new Communal Regulatory Plan, which resulted in a claim for alleged legal violations committed within the legislation that approved the plan.
  • Advised AES Andes on the set of applicable rules and territorial compatibility issues, which concern the development of a project in the Antofagasta region.
  • Represented Transelec in the filing of two claims of illegality before the Court of Appeals of Santiago (against sanctions by the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels for alleged violations of the General Law of Electricity Services).

Chile > TMT Tier 2

FerradaNehme’s six-member department was recently particularly active in the regulatory aspects of Covid-19-related TMT matters. The practice’s wide-ranging expertise covers telephony markets, e-commerce, Pay TV, and internet and free-to-air television, as well as information security, privacy and personal data protection, and cross-border transactions involving technological services. Additional key areas range from technological transformation processes, compliance, antitrust procedures and mergers, to IT law, IP, and tariff-setting processes. The team also assists with TMT-related administrative procedures and litigation. The group is co-led by competition and regulatory law specialist Nicole Nehme; and Stella Muñoz, an expert in consumer protection law, privacy and personal data protection. Providing integral support are of counsel Sebastián Dufeu, who is experienced in telecoms and media law, and regulatory work; and director Sebastián Morales, a telecoms and media regulation specialist. In May 2022, associate Mario Garfias, whose experience includes acting before Chile’s Telecommunications’ Agency (SUBTEL), rejoined from Gana y Galvez Abogados, while former director Nicolás Morales and senior associate Catalina Frigerio both recently departed the firm.

Practice head(s):

Nicole Nehme; Stella Muñoz

Key clients

Chilean Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation

VTR Comunicaciones

Liberty Latin America

Asociación Chilena de Telecomunicaciones

Red de Televisión Chilevisión





Work highlights

  • Assisted Liberty Latin America with the regulatory and antitrust aspects of the merger of its Chilean subsidiary (VTR Comunicaciones) with América Móvil Chilean operations (Claro Chile).
  • Representing ChileTelco (trade association comprising telecoms companies Entel PCS Telecomunicaciones, Telefónica Móviles Chile, Claro Chile, GTD Manquehue, Pacífico Cable and VTR Comunicaciones) in challenging certain content of Decree No 92, which approves the management and maintenance plan for overhead and subway telecoms lines.
  • Commissioned during 2022 by the Chilean Ministry of Science to review and strengthen the governance and legal framework of Observa, a recently-launched digital platform that provides evidence for public policy decision-making about the Chilean Science, Technology and Innovation landscape.

Chile > Dispute resolution: white-collar crime Tier 3

The five-member practice at FerradaNehme is regularly mandated to represent both companies and individuals in financial crime matters, including judicial representation in criminal cases. The team’s experience covers pyramid scams, civil servant-related crimes, and crimes concerning unfair administration and corruption on the part of individuals. It also assists companies with preventive strategies. Criminal litigator Rafael Collado is head of the practice - he also directs the firm’s compliance group and is a recently-appointed member of Alberto Hurtado University’s criminal law department. The experience of senior associate and crime-related compliance expert, Lucía Álvarez, includes an internship at the Criminal Legal Defender’s Office.

Practice head(s):

Rafael Collado

Key clients

Corporación Nacional del Cobre

Jeanette Vega Morales

Clínica Sierra Bella

GC Rent

Pegasus South America Servicios Integrales de Aviación

Transportes Italia

Innovación Social Fundrasing

Sunset tires

Constructor Atacama

Jorge Correa

Ximena Correa

David Rosales

Inversiones Lahuan

Work highlights

  • Assisted Codelco with the filing of a lawsuit against its former executive president, as well as the criminal case against him.
  • Acted for Jeanette Vega (a former Social Development Minister of the current Chilean government) in her criminal defence against a lawsuit, which accused her of obstructing an investigation.
  • Assisted major Peruvian insurance company, Grupo Pacífico, with an internal investigation into a bid-rigging scheme.

Chile > Corporate and M&A Tier 4

FerradaNehme's ‘capable, agile and flexible' corporate law and M&A practice routinely leverages the firm’s specialisms in tax, securities and banking law during transactions to act forthe firm’s client portfolio derived primarily from the regulated sectors - including finance, renewable energy, environmental services, mining and steel sectors, as well as public transportation, IT and the beverage industry. The team is co-led by founding partner and business law expert, Rodrigo Ferrada in conjunction with recently promoted partner and ‘soul of the team', Juan Andrés Bretón, who advises on private and corporate law. At non-partner level, Andrés Pérez is an experienced corporate law director; while former senior Roberto Carrillo – who assists with M&A deals and general corporate law- was promoted to director May 2023. A July-2022 associate recruit from Garrigues Chile, Luciano Pardo is also a name to note.

Practice head(s):

Rodrigo Ferrada; Juan Andrés Bretón


Very good coordination among the team, which provides very efficient communication with clients, regardless of who is reviewing the issue.

Great ability to put themselves in the client’s position and thus understand what the client needs.

Capacity for empathy that is superior to other law firms.

Very professional, capable, agile and flexible.

Human warmth, technical preparation, and affection for the work done.

Excellent people both personally and at work.

Juan Andrés Bretón stands out as the soul of the team.

Key clients

Capstone Copper Group

Acciona Industrial

Abengoa Energía Atacama CSP

Cervecería Chile


Comercial y Distribuidora Bertonati

Fitch Group



Gasoducto del Pacífico

Natura & Co

Redbus Urbano

Neogen Corporation


Grenke Group

Galanz Group

Office of Scientific and Technological Research of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Labruyère Group

Compañía Siderúrgica Huachipato

Innovación Social y Fundraising

Enable Chile

Sunset Sociedad Anónima Comercial Industrial y de Servicios

SG Soluciones


Magna Tyres

Work highlights

  • Advised Redbus Urbano on the implementation of an adjudicated public bid to provide public transportation services (buses) in Santiago.
  • Advising the Capstone Copper Group on an ongoing basis.
  • Assisted Enable Chile with drafting and negotiating a service agreement.

Chile > Data privacy Tier 4

Chile > Dispute resolution: litigation Tier 4

Delivering ‘exceptional client service', FerradaNehme's complex litigation practice focuses on litigating disputes involving consumer, environmental and telecoms law, along with civil matters, unfair competition and construction-related disputes. Co-leading the seven-strong team, Nicole Nehme is a longstanding competition and regulatory law specialist; Nicolás Ubilla, who is ‘a very complete, detail-oriented adviser', has substantial civil, commercial, and economic litigation expertise; and Marcela Rodríguez's career includes working as a clerk (investigating lawyer) for the Ministers of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice. At director level, Pablo Cornejo also assists with civil and commercial litigation.

Practice head(s):

Nicole Nehme; Nicolás Ubilla; Marcela Rodríguez


Very complete, exceptional client service that is hard to find in other offices.

Very detailed advice.

Nicolás Ubilla is a very complete, detail-oriented adviser, who anticipates all contingencies that may exist in a controversy.

Nicolás Ubilla – excellent client service, and always quick to answer any questions, queries or requirements.

Key clients

VTR Comunicaciones

Walmart Chile

Televisión Nacional de Chile

Pasmar Group

WSP Consulting Chile

WSP Chile

American Tower Chile II

Andes Iron

Servicio de Salud de Aysén

Work highlights

  • Representing Pasmar Group in a damages lawsuit against Jean Jano Kourou, Inmobiliaria Mall Plaza de Los Ríos, and Inmobiliaria Tres Ríos.
  • Representing TVN in a breach of contract claim against Compañía Chilena de Televisión.
  • Representing Servicio de Salud de Aysén in a civil indemnity lawsuit filed by Besalco, in relation to the development of the Reposición Hospital Cochrane, XI Region project.

The firm: Founded in 2000, FerradaNehme is a multi-specialist law firm with an outstanding position in the Chilean market of legal services, particularly in complex areas of legal practice, such as competition and regulated markets, environmental law, litigation, public law and government, TMT, corporate law, consumer law and compliance. In such areas, FerradaNehme is generally recognised as one of the most highly recommended firms in the handling of difficult challenges, on behalf of Chilean and international companies and institutions participating in a wide variety of markets and industries, as well as governmental institutions.

Currently, the firm is positioned among the most sought-after firms of the country, given its professional capacity and its unique integrated offer approach, its numerous highly qualified professional and administrative staff, and their individual and collective experiences. Its strategy is to further develop ‘niches’ within its main areas of practice, thereby taking full advantage of the specific expertise of its individual lawyers. Examples include the consumer law, compliance, technology, and energy practices, among others.

In just 23 years, FerradaNehme has become one of Chile’s largest leading and most successful law firms. This is the result of the dedication and excellence of FerradaNehme’s professionals, the recognition of its clients and the remarkable results obtained.

Main areas of practice
Competition/antitrust and economic regulation: The firm receives a huge quantity of work, such as legal opinions and surveys; mergers and acquisitions; voluntary and mandatory pre-merger filings; antitrust investigations and litigation; strategic advice; negotiation with antitrust authorities; economic advice provided together with the country’s most renowned economists; development and implementation of compliance programs, among others. We have recently hired an internal economist to this group of professionals.
Contacts: Nicole Nehme, Diego Hernández, Benjamín Mordoj,
Mabel Ahumada

Energy (electricity and gas):  The firm advises regulated industries on almost every market area. Given the multidisciplinary requirements of energy law, the energy law practice group is founded on the pillars of economic regulation, public and environmental law matters. It works in close collaboration with the litigation and corporate practice groups, with the assistance of four partners: Nicole Nehme, Luis Cordero Patricio Leyton and Benjamín Mordoj. The firm advises public authorities, as well as electricity generation, transmission, and distribution companies, and is actively participating as a consultant in the vibrant renewable energy market. Additionally, the firm advises several oil and gas companies.
Contacts: Nicole Nehme, Benjamín Mordoj

Environment and natural resources: The firm is regularly engaged in the most challenging issues concerning environmental permits; approval and development of natural resources projects in areas of mining, energy, waste management, among others; drafting and review of environmental impact studies and declarations; marine concessions; negotiation with local communities; advice on environmental and natural resources issues and renewable energy; among others.
Contacts: Patricio Leyton, Valeria Ruz, Carola Salamanca

Dispute resolution: The growth of this practice has been remarkable. It currently handles civil, commercial, economic, procurement, administrative and constitutional litigation before Civil Courts, Courts of Appeals, Supreme Court, and specialised litigation before special courts; administrative proceedings before regulatory authorities; arbitration and mediation.  The goal here is to avoid repetitive or volume work, only accepting high profile and complex cases, always interacting with other areas of practice, considering the natural complexities of each industry.
Contacts: Nicolás Ubilla, Nicole Nehme

Corporate/M&A: The practice remains a boutique-like endeavour, focusing on mergers and acquisitions, transaction finance, capital markets, foreign investment, contracts and related transactions. Regularly advising national and international companies when confronted with substantial work matters, through the drafting of sophisticated and innovative contracts, memoranda and legal opinions.
Contact: Juan Andrés Bretón

TMT: This practice is made up of a highly qualified group of individuals with concrete experience, dedication, and expertise. Has represented clients before sectorial authorities, also participating in the most relevant cases in the last few years. The practice has advised on the development of technology, telecoms and media projects, with a diverse legal approach as well as other business, economic and regulatory considerations. It has been involved in digital strategies incorporating data processing technologies (i.e., big data, cloud services, cybersecurity, eBanking, among others), as well as in issues connected to personal data protection, transactions involving technological services, and in litigation arising from these matters.
Contacts:  Nicole Nehme, Stella Muñoz

Public law and government: The core focus of this practice is providing dedicated advice and opinions to the Central Government and its agencies, as well as for private organisations and institutions in a broad range of areas including banking, health care, environment, consumer regulation, pensions, and other matters.  Provides also regular advice to foreign governments, in the design of new regulatory frameworks and institutions.
Contacts: Josefina Court, Jospe Tomás Correa

Compliance: The firm believes that incorporating programs concerning criminal, antitrust, consumer, data or environmental compliance, constitutes an essential preventive mechanism for companies. This practice is responsible for the implementation and constant update of compliance programs in the most diverse fields of expertise. The firm also provides all educational and control materials required by clients; it is an expert in the required training for the continued improvement of the internal practices and culture of companies. The advice includes all aspects of compliance programs; on their institutional, behavioural, or procedural dimensions.
Contacts: Josefina Court, Jospe Tomás Correa

Senior partner: Nicole Nehme
Managing partner: Rodrigo Ferrada

Department Name Email Telephone
Competition/Antitrust and Economic Regulation Nicole Nehme nnehme@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Competition/Antitrust and Economic Regulation Diego Hernández dhernandez@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Competition/Antitrust and Economic Regulation Benjamín Mordoj bmordoj@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Competition/Antitrust and Economic Regulation Mabel Ahumada mahumada@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Energy (electricity and gas) Nicole Nehme nnehme@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Energy (electricity and gas) Benjamín Mordoj bmordoj@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Environment and Natural Resources Patricio Leyton pleyton@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Environment and Natural Resources Valeria Ruz vruz@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Environment and Natural Resources Carola Salamanca csalamanca@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Dispute Resolution Nicolás Ubilla nubilla@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Dispute Resolution Nicole Nehme nnehme@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Corporate/M&A Juan Andrés Bretón jbreton@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
TMT Nicole Nehme nnehme@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
TMT Stella Muñoz smunoz@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Public Law and Government/Compliance Josefina Court jcourt@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Public Law and Government/Compliance José Tomás Correa jtcorrea@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Consumer Stella Muñoz smunoz@fn.cl (+56 22) 652 9000
Other fee-earners : 52
Total staff : 86
IBA (International Bar Association)
Partners : 13
Associates : 41
Of Counsel : 3