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Ana Maria Arrarte


Ana Maria Arrarte leads the dispute resolution and arbitration practice in the Firm's Lima office. She is knowledgeable in law of civil procedure, arbitration, negotiation and conciliation. She has represented during the last 10 years procedures such as civil judicial, related with important public works and energy in the country. Her broadened experience concerning disputes resolutions and prevention of conflicts, in general, is strengthened by her studies in Negotiation at Harvard University.


Ana Maria has over 20 years of experience representing clients in judicial cases in matters of civil, commercial, constitutional and contentious administrative laws. She has been a registered arbitrator for the past 10 years and has also acted as a lawyer for different companies on arbitration procedures in civil, commercial, public procurement laws as well as regulatory matters relating to electricity and energy.


English, Spanish


American Chamber of Commerce – AMCHAM Arbitration Center of Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Institution of Professional Engineers of Peru Lima Bar Association - Member, Arbitration Center Member of the Peruvian Association for Procedure Law Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado (OSCE)


Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Diploma in Electricity, Gas and Energy Law) (2005) Harvard University (Studies on Negotiation, Conciliation and Arbitration) (1998) University of Lima (Law Degree) (1991)


Content supplied by Estudio Echecopar member firm of Baker McKenzie International