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Partner and Deputy Chair, Advanced Media & Technology
Partner and Co-Chair, White Collar Criminal Defense & Investigations
Partner and Co-Chair, Capital Markets and Corporate; Co-Chair, Sports
Hall of fame
Partner and Chair, Intellectual Property and Entertainment Litigation
Partner and Co-Chair, Theater & Live Entertainment
Partner and Co-Chair, Advertising Disputes; Chair, Retail & Consumer Brands
Partner and Co-Chair, Nonprofits & Tax Exempt Organizations; Co-Chair, Loeb & Loeb's Attorneys of Color and Ethnic Diversity Affinity Group
Hall of fame
Partner and Chair, Advanced Media and Technology; Co-Chair, Loeb & Loeb Diversity Committee
Partner and Co-Chair, Nonprofits & Tax-Exempt Organizations
Partner and Co-Chair, White Collar Criminal Defense & Investigations
Partner and Co-Chair, White Collar Criminal Defense & Investigations
Partner and Chair, Privacy, Security & Data Innovations
Partner, Advanced Media & Technology
Hall of fame
Partner and Co-Chair, Nonprofits & Tax-Exempt Organizations
Partner and Co-Chair, Life Sciences; Chair, Patent Litigation & Counseling
Partner and Chair, Intellectual Property Protection; Chair, Luxury Brands; Deputy Chair, Advanced Media and Technology
Hall of fame
Vice Chair, Loeb & Loeb LLP; Co-Chair, Capital Markets and Corporate
Partner and Chair, International Trust & Estate Planning
Partner and Deputy Chair, Real Estate; Chair, Real Estate Finance