Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP

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Curt Dombek is a partner in the Governmental Practice. Curt divides his time between the firm's Brussels and Los Angeles offices. Curt has practiced since 1983 in the field of international trade and regulation. He advises clients on civilian and military export controls, trade sanctions and blocking orders, customs matters, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the USA Patriot Act, Free Trade Agreements, CFIUS reviews of foreign investment in the United States, Made in USA and Buy American regulations, FAA and international regulation of unmanned aircraft and  the anti-boycott regulations. He handles export control compliance and other international matters for multinationals in the telecommunications, computer hardware and software, aerospace and defense, automotive, energy, pharmaceutical, chemical, electronics and fashion and apparel industries. Curt has designed international compliance programs and advised on complex questions of international compliance for companies with operations throughout the U.S. and the European Union as well as in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Assisting companies in complying with the detailed export controls on encryption and telecommunications technology is a significant part of his practice, as is the regulatory compliance relevant to cross-border R&D programs.  He has significant experience with the regulation of emerging unmanned aircraft, UAS and eVTOL. Curt has represented clients in many high-profile international trade cases. In Kuwait, he represented the Kuwait government in the preparation and submission of its Gulf War claims to the United Nations Compensation Commission. Curt has conducted many depositions and other investigative and discovery proceedings overseas and has represented domestic and foreign clients in ICC, LCIA and ad hoc arbitrations in Europe and the Far East as well as the U.S. He has addressed international conferences and published articles on a variety of international legal topics.
Jacques Derenne is the head of the EU Competition & Regulatory practice in Sheppard Mullin’s Brussels office. He is a member of the Brussels and Paris bars. He is also a Professor at the University of Liège and at the Brussels School of Competition. Jacques has over 30 years of EU competition law experience across all areas, including mergers, cartels, abuses of dominance and State aid. He has developed a particular expertise in EU regulatory and related competition law issues in a number of highly regulated industries, including energy, the postal sector, aviation, railways, communications (telecoms, satellites, audio-visual) and tobacco products. Jacques regularly appears at competition hearings before the European Commission, and pleads cases before the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union, national competition authorities, the Belgian and French courts and various regulatory bodies. Publications and Teaching Engagements Jacques co-directed and co-authored studies for the European Commission on the enforcement of State aid rules at the national level (2006 and 2009), which contributed to the Commission's Recovery and Enforcement Notices in 2007 and 2009 respectively. He co-edited a book on the Enforcement of EU State aid law at national level - 2010 - Reports from the 27 Member States (Lexxion, October 2010), and has written quarterly comments on State aid case law and the Commission’s decisional practice in the journal Concurrences since 2004 (together with EU officials). Jacques teaches competition law (State aid) at the University of Liège and at the Brussels School of Competition. He also publishes widely on various other EU constitutional, competition, and regulatory issues, such as on antitrust damages or on the res judicata principle vs. the principles of primacy and effectiveness of EU law. He regularly speaks at competition conferences. Jacques is a founding member of the Global Competition Law Centre (College of Europe, Scientific Council and Executive Committee).
Oliver Heinisch is a partner in the Antitrust & Competition Group in the firm’s London and Brussels offices. Oliver advises on all areas of EU, UK and German competition law with a focus on international cartel and abuse of dominance procedures, including related antitrust litigation matters as well as merger control law. He also advises on the interface between intellectual property and competition law mainly in the context of complaint cases, investigations of competition authorities and intellectual property litigation. Oliver 's additional experience includes advising on distribution agreements, parallel imports, IP licensing, R&D and cooperation arrangements. He also assists clients in complying with EU product regulatory law in particular in the area of medical devices, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The majority of his clients are technology, consumer electronics and life sciences companies, and he also works for financial services, private equity, insurance, automotive, industrial, fashion and food clients. Oliver is ranked in the major legal directories and consistently recognized as an expert in the field. Data Protection and GDPR Oliver also has substantial experience in advising clients on data protection issues in Europe, Germany and the UK and in particular on the increased scrutiny of data in competition investigations and mergers. He advises multinational companies on all areas of the GDPR and EU national and UK data protection laws, in particular on issues relating to data breaches, data transfers and data protection defenses in the context of litigation discovery as well as on questions relating to HR and employment, retail and online selling.
Reid Whitten works with clients around the world to plan, prepare and succeed in global transactions. He focuses on his clients’ cross-border investments, particularly in the technology and aerospace sectors, helping clients navigate the international trade regulations that could disrupt their deals. Reid is the Managing Partner of Sheppard Mullin's London office, practicing in international trade regulations and investigations. He shares his time serving clients out of the Washington, D.C. office. He is also Leader of the Sheppard Mullin CFIUS Team. In the areas of economic sanctions, export and defense exports, CFIUS, anti-corruption and tariffs, Reid supports clients in detecting and addressing potential compliance issues as well as conducting investigations and defending against enforcement actions. He also advises on U.S. anti-dumping, anti-money laundering and anti-boycott regulations. Reid is a thought leader on cross-border business regulations. He lectures as an Adjunct Professor of Law at the New College of the Humanities in London, at the Université Catholique de Lille, in France and at Wake Forest University in the U.S., where he teaches courses on the law of international business. Reid is also a member of Chatham House, the UK's Royal Institute of International Affairs. Reid writes and comments regularly and is called on by television news channels, international newspapers and trade publications to provide analysis on the latest changes to cross-border transactional regulations. He is the lead author and editor of The CFIUS Book and is the head of the firm's CFIUS Team. In addition, Reid conducts seminars on regulatory updates to industry groups in the U.S., France, Belgium, Spain and the UK. Reid is fluent in French.
Robert Klotz is a partner in the Antitrust & Competition Practice Group in the firm's Brussels office. Robert concentrates on all aspects of EU and German competition and regulatory law and represents clients before the European Commission and national authorities, with a particular focus on network industries, such as energy, telecommunications, post and transport. Previously he served for almost a decade as an official of the European Commission in DG Competition, dealing with high level antitrust cases, first in the Telecommunications and Post Unit, and subsequently in the Energy and Water Unit.