Region Area


The firm: Ameria is a professional services provider, which is one of the few officially registered vendors in Armenia registered in the World Bank Group Vendor Registration List and is extensively involved in a broad range of projects focusing on sectors of potential growth and promising investment opportunities.

Ameria has developed working relationships and partnerships with major state, private and international organizations and companies in Armenia (among which are the Prime Minister’s Office, Central Bank of Armenia, Anti-Monopoly Commission, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Public Service Regulation Committee, Privatization Department with the Government of the RA, Ministry of Communication and Transportation, World Bank Group, EBRD, European Union etc) as well as a number of large prominent international companies. Ameria is preferred law firm in Armenia for major international law firms and corporations.

Our company represents a group of professional services companies with established reputation of skillful legal, business, accounting and assurance auditors and advisers with defined mission and objective to provide a comprehensive package of professional advisory and consulting services in the areas of legal advice and representation, business planning and financial management, foreign-trade operations, accounting support and advise, project and company audits, etc.

Areas of practice: Our practice encompasses all aspects of business transactions, ranging from forming new corporate entities to representing established companies through complex financing, restructuring, and acquisitions.

We have the widest and longest experience in consulting services of such leading industries in Armenia as:

  • IT and technology
  • Telecommunications
  • Banking and finance
  • Natural resources
  • Energy
  • Mining
  • Real estate and construction
  • Production
  • Commerce

Highlights of some of the most prominent projects are presented below:

  • Acquisition of Armimpexbank by Group of Companies America including representation of clients in due diligences of the Armenian financial institutions; support in the acquisition of Cascade Bank by Ameriabank and further mergers; review of a continuing agreement for the reimbursement of trade advances for Citibank; legal support in major transactions for VTB Group; and ongoing legal support for Oikocredit.
  • Due diligence and support in the acquisition of part of shares of GNC Alpha; representing UCOM in the acquisition of ICON Ltd and other telecom companies in Armenia; investment structuring for Kroese Wevers in the local subsidiary; and ongoing legal support for Phillip Morris Armenia.
  • Advising the main watch retailer on an insurance transaction and representing clients in insurance cases for settlement claims.
  • Working with Clyde & Co on a possible aviation claim case; representing AWAS on a lease agreement relating to aircrafts; representing Iberia (Iberia Maintenance) in an engine dispute and collection; representing IATA in relation to an insolvency case in Armenia.
  • Representing Huntsman in an employee dispute; representing Yerevan Djur in employee litigation; representing a subsidiary of a major Russian aluminium producer in a class employment case; representing a group of investors in a real estate dispute; and representing a spirits distributor in a distributorship agreement dispute.
  • Assisting Zangezur Copper – Molybdenum Combine cjsc in the development and negotiation of a package of employment agreements and internal HR and labour regulations, and updating these annually; labour audits for companies in compliance with legislation; and assisting clients in the development of packages of employment agreements and internal HR and labour regulations.
  • Representing Zangezur Copper – Molybdenum Combine cjsc in issues of concession and licensing agreements with the regulator; support to World Bank consultants for the provision of the Armenian Railway for concession to Russian Railway; due diligence of gold and copper mining companies requested by the financing banks and institutions; representing Neva Rus and assisting Lydian International with their entrances into the Armenian mining market; assistance to VTB Bank (France) SA in a facility agreement with Armenian Copper Program CJSC; and assistance to Armenian, Ukrainian and Estonian investors in structuring investments in Armenia.
  • Development of a court monitoring methodology and introduction of a court monitoring system in Armenia in collaboration with the Judicial Reform Project Implementation Unit and World Bank.