Region Area


Angélica María Carrión Barrero

Angélica María Carrión Barrero

Work Department

Labour & Employment Counselling Area


Angélica María is in charge of the Firm's labour counselling area, with more than 20 years of experience in labour matters. She has been renowned for her interest in understanding the client's business and her knowledge of the client's strategy, enabling her to propose highly-valued solutions.


Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – Faculty Of Law. Professor for the postgraduate degree in Labor Law. (2015 – Present).


•Colombian Labor Lawyers Association. Member of the Governing Board;Member since 2000.

•Colombian Human Resources Association “ACRIP” - Bogotá. Member of the labor lawyers committee.

•International Bar Association. Member since 2015.

•National Business Association Of Colombia - “ANDI” – Legal Chamber. Member since 2015.

•Women’s Law Network.


Lawyer from Universidad Externado de Colombia (1996). Specialist in Contractual Law and Judiciary Negotiable Relations (1999).

Master in Labour Law and Social Security at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in alliance with the European Institute of Business Studies in Spain with outstanding performance.

Master in Labour and Social Security Law from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana graduated with Magna Cvm Lavde honours and Order of Academic Merit.