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Alejandro Miguel Castellanos López
Alejandro is responsible for the litigation and judicial representation area. His ability as litigant and his capacity to conceptualize on current legislation allows him to handle the simplest to the most complex issues, hence defining successful strategies for the benefit of the client.
Ana María Rubiano Delgado
Ana Maria Rubiano is leader in the labour law consulting area. She joined the firm in 2009 and has developed great abilities to manage clients and complex situations. She has deep knowledge of labour legislation, which allows her to properly guide her work team. Ana María is permanently in contact with most of the firm's clients, enabling her to have a broad spectrum of the current market reality. Her practice is focused in substantial law and procedural law, with a special focus on the areas of Labour Law (Individual and Collective), Social Security and Tax Law. She has experience in the field of corporate labour consultancy, preparation and response of demands, guardianships and petition rights. Also in tax advice and consulting.
Angélica María Carrión Barrero
Angélica María is in charge of the Firm's labour counselling area, with more than 20 years of experience in labour matters. She has been renowned for her interest in understanding the client's business and her knowledge of the client's strategy, enabling her to propose highly-valued solutions.  
Juan Pablo Lopez Moreno
The managing partner of the firm, responsible for the organization and labour planning. His skill in conflict management is outstanding.
Rocío Lagos Prieto
Rocío is the Leader of the Labour Relations group. With over 13 years of work at the firm, she has been formed under the principles of the “López & Asociados School", thus generating great confidence and clearness to clients. Rocío largely participates in the collective negotiations attended by the firm. Rocío is responsible for collective bargaining processes with trade union organizations in different sectors of the Colombian economy, which include the food, transportation and financial sector, among others.