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Consultant - Aidan has particular expertise in the area of healthcare regulation, advising members of the medical and dental professions under investigation for misconduct by the General Medical Council and General Dental Council and representing their interests at subsequent fitness to practise hearings and any related criminal prosecutions and inquests. He is also conversant with proceedings of the Court of Appeal Criminal Division, Attorney General's References and cases referred to the Court of Appeal by the Criminal Cases Review Commission. Since joining Burton Copeland Aidan has expanded his practice to include anti-doping violations in sport. Notably, he was recently retained by British Cycling to represent its Lead Physio in the far-reaching UK Anti-Doping investigation and House of Commons Select Committee inquiry into alleged wrongdoing in cycling and sport and the subsequent GMC case against the Team Sky / British Cycling team doctor.
Celia is a highly experienced criminal solicitor who joined Burton Copeland in May 2022 and brought her vast wealth of experience and knowledge which she has developed in a career spanning almost 30 years in criminal law. Her varied career means that she has seen criminal justice from almost every angle and is very well placed to provide expert advice based upon wide ranging practical experience.
Equity Partner and Compliance Officer for Legal Practice of the firm, Daniel provides advice and representation covering all aspects of general crime in police stations, Youth and Magistrate’s Courts. A niche expertise in representing members of public service bodies in professional misconduct and related criminal investigations and proceedings. Regularly instructed by a number of regional police federations to advise police officers regarding both criminal and misconduct investigations and proceedings brought against the individual officers.
A Partner in the firm, Elizabeth specialises in providing advice and representation covering all aspects of general crime in police stations and the Magistrate’s Courts. She has a proven track record and an excellent reputation in criminal defence work lasting nearly twenty years and deals with a broad spectrum of cases including general crime, youths, fooball banning orders, dangerous dogs and neighbour disputes.
The lead principal and head of Burton Copeland LLP’s specialist road traffic unit, Gwyn has built up a wealth of knowledge and expertise over 35  years. He has dealt with a full range of serious criminal cases including gangland murders and multi million pound drug importations. He now concentrates on his passion for defending motorists  and has developed a track record of unrivaled success. His expertise has led to him being instructed by a number of professional footballers and celebrities and resulted in vast press coverage.
Solicitor - Karl is a duty solictor with the firm with a wealth of experience in handling criminal and motoring cases. He has a reputation for dealing with rare and unusual cases and defences. He is knowledgeable about computer based crimes in particular those involving bitcoin, drugs and firearms supplied from the dark web, indecent images and hacking.Karl has represented clients at the polcie station arrested and accused of some of the most serious offences including murder, historic sexual offences and causing death by dangerous driving.
Louise is the current Managing Partner of the firm and also heads the Crown Court Department. She specialises in all areas of crime and regulatory law. Preparation of serious crown court cases, especially historical sexual offences. Regularly instructed by trade unions and professional bodies to represent members in criminal investigations, disciplinary proceedings and inquests.
In a career spanning 45 + years, Mike has specialised in criminal law. His experience has covered the whole criminal law spectrum from serious organised crime, gangland murder and international drug conspiracies, through to fraud and white collar crime. Mike has developed a particular specialism in cases involving complex medical and forensic issues with particular reference to shaken baby syndrome, medical malpractice and gross negligence manslaughter. He has been instructed by the Health and Safety Executive in a number of prosecutions and has also defended in cases involving professional disciplinary proceedings. He is a past president of Manchester Law Society and past Senior and Managing Partner of the firm.
Nick is a partner in the firm and his experience covers a range of regulatory, coronial and white collar areas. Nick boasts a formidable success rate in defending complex and technical offences and acts regularly for a number of high profile individuals and companies. Nick is renowned for his professional approach, tactically astute advice and resolute advocacy.
Richard joined Burton Copeland as a Consultant Solicitor in early 2023. He brings with him over 30 years extensive experience as a defence practitioner having been admitted as a solicitor in 1993.
Solicitor - Samantha is based in the Magistrates Court Department where she represents clients for a whole range of offences. She has practiced exclusively in criminal defence and has vast experience of representing clients at the police station, in both the youth and magistrates courts and also preparing cases for trial at the crown court. Sam is accustomed to representing clients facing the most serious allegations, including murder, kidnapping, serious sexual offences, drugs importations and complex fraud.
A Partner in the firm, Suzanne has over 20 years experience providing advice and representation covering all aspects of general crime in police stations and the Magistrates Courts. Her reputation has presented her with various referrals from members of the Legal Professions including Judges, Magistrates, Barristers and Solicitors, along with member of Professional Bodies including Police Officers, Customs Officers, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers and Accountants.
Consultant, 25 + years qualified, is exceptionally experienced in a wide range of regulatory matters. He has represented both corporate and individual clients in relation to health & safety, environmental, corporate and gross negligence manslaughter, food safety, fire safety and trading standards prosecutions. He has also prosecuted on behalf of the Health and Safety Executive.