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Aldo Ocampo

Work Department



 Aldo is currently the Head of Practice and CEO of the firm.

Currently Aldo is focused on the impact Human Rights is having in the Insurance industry, from the liability perspective, but also taking into consideration the operation of insurers and the risk they assume by violating Human Rights to be condemned to pay punitive damages. For that, Aldo Ocampo is advising insurers regarding their Corporate Governance system, and how it should be oriented to respect Human Rights and how it can be used to discharge a possible negligence in trial. Fertinal Case: without a doubt, the largest, most complex and scandalous insurance case that has ever occurred in Mexico. Their participation in this case was understanding the insurance contract and collaborating in the implementation of the strategy to follow. Abkatun cases: two PEMEX oil platform incidents, which total 1.5 billion dollars. He Co-Counseled with the English firm HFW, in the implementation of the strategy to obtain payment from the retrocessionaires, achieving a satisfactory negotiation for both parties. La Latinoamericana Case: a case that is still active, in which its participation consists of avoiding the execution of a sentence unfavorable to the company, where it has been sentenced to pay stratospheric sums of money. Attorney Aldo Ocampo has managed to control the execution of the sentence for more than 12 years and with high expectations that the insurer will be completely released. Creation of extended guarantee for real estate: due to its management, today the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit considers that the extended guarantee of real estate is not an active insurance operation, in this way its client will be able to exploit it without the need for an insurer.



International Bar Association Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empresa Asociación Mexicana de Derecho de Seguros y Fianzas


Partner, CEO.


Universidad Anáhuac del Sur, Abogado. Universidad Panamericana, Posgrado en Amparo, PI, Derecho Civil y Derecho Comercial. Universidad de Salamanca, Postgrado en Derecho Mercantil.
