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Luis Fernández Lagunas

Luis Fernández Lagunas

Work Department

Energy / Oil & Gas / Electricity / Projects




Luis advises clients almost exclusively in the energy sector, where he has successfully designed, negotiated and implemented corporate structures for the development of projects in various fields, including exploration and production of oil and gas, transport projects, storage and distribution of oil and gas, as well as private and public electricity generation and renewables projects.

Luis has significant experience in public biddings, public works contracts and related services, as well as government purchases called by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), Pemex and Federal, State and Municipal Governments. He has successfully represented foreign drilling companies on various projects issued by Pemex in order to increment onshore and offshore production through diverse contractual methods, including multiple services contracts.

Recently, Luis advised the Energy Ministry on the drafting of the Geothermal Law and its Regulations, as well as on the implementation of the Wholesale Electricity Market and the restructuring of CFE.


Spanish, English


EAE Business School, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Barcelona,  2010.

Universidad Iberoamericana, Law Degree (J.D.),  Mexico City, 2008.


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