Clifford Chance (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo)

Clifford Chance (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo)

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Chihiro Ashizawa specialises in capital markets, investment management and financial regulatory advice.
Eiichi Kanda specialises in real estate including investment, finance, development, funds, asset management and securitisation. Eiichi also advises both borrowers and lenders on structured financing, joint ventures and cross-border alliances between foreign and Japanese entities.
Leng-Fong Lai is the firm's Co-Managing Partner and the Head of Capital Markets Group in Tokyo and specialises in all forms of capital markets and structured finance instruments including receivables and other asset-backed securities, commercial mortgage-backed financings, structured MTNs, equity-linked and convertible securities, securities repackaging and other forms of securitised derivatives, hybrid securities, project bonds and other infrastructure financings. Leng-Fong also advises banks and sponsors on project and real estate finance and investments in Japan.
Masafumi Shikakura is a counsel and leads Clifford Chance’s antitrust practice in Tokyo. He specialises in antitrust law and foreign investment regulations and advises domestic and international companies on Japanese anti-monopoly law as well as Japanese regulations on foreign direct investments and sanctions. He handles multi-jurisdictional merger filing analyses and foreign direct investment filing analyses and coordination with local counsel in various jurisdictions for many transactions. Masafumi has also gained extensive experience in M&A transactions, in particular cross-border acquisitions and joint ventures. He has advised clients in power and energy, technology, healthcare and various industrial sectors.
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Reiko Sakimura specialises in international capital markets, including international debt and equity offerings, convertible bonds and other equity-linked securities, medium term note programmes, euro-commercial paper programmes, samurai bonds, regulatory capital, and corporate hybrid securities. Reiko acts for underwriter and issuer clients in respect of a wide variety of capital market transactions for Japanese issuers accessing international markets through Regulation S and Rule 144A offerings, as well as foreign issuers accessing the Japanese markets.
Yoshiaki Shimizu specialises in real estate finance, real estate investment, development, structured finance, general banking and fund regulations.
Yusuke Abe specialises in project finance, ECA finance, acquisition finance and other banking transactions, asset finance, real estate finance, derivatives and regulatory matters. Yusuke has worked in London and Hong Kong and is a member of Clifford Chance’s Worldwide Projects Group.