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Maucher Jenkins has offices in the UK, Germany, Switzerland and China, and represents global clients in a range of industries who wish to identify, establish, protect, exploit and enforce their IP rights in the UK, Europe and worldwide.

The firm: Maucher Jenkins has helped businesses gain a competitive edge by safeguarding and enhancing their intellectual property rights. The protection of clients’ inventions, innovations and brands is at the heart of the practice.

The firm’s reputation extends internationally, as does its expertise. Its clients’ interests span a wide range of industries and technologies including IT and communications, electrical and mechanical engineering, aviation, life sciences and medical technologies, manufacturing, media, financial services and consumer products.

Maucher Jenkins has deservedly acquired a reputation for honesty, clarity, creativity and tenacity in pursuit of clients’ commercial goals. Maucher Jenkins has a number of globally acknowledged experts, including partners Angela Fox, author of Intellectual Property Enterprise Court: Practice and Procedure published by Sweet and Maxwell; Hugh Dunlop, author of European Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court published by CIPA, together with consultant David Musker, author of The Design Directive also published by CIPA.

Types of work undertaken: The patent team’s expertise includes conducting innovation capture sessions, preliminary investigations and due diligence on securing a patent; drafting, filing and prosecuting patent applications before the UK IPO and European Patent Office; conducting searches to avoid infringement; defending patent infringement claims and pursuing infringement litigation when opposing, reviewing, evaluating and managing patent portfolios; monitoring competitors’ portfolios; and advising on how to obtain patent protection worldwide.

The trade mark team advises on the registrability of new brand names and logos, conducts searches to locate any potentially conflicting third-party rights, files and prosecutes trade mark applications and acts on behalf of clients in relation to any disputes. Maucher Jenkins is also well placed to advise on domain name registration, copyright law and protecting against the actions of cyber squatters.

The attorneys can also look at design protection for new and innovative product shapes with an eye to identifying copyright and registrable or unregistered design matters that can strengthen an overall portfolio of rights. It counsels on effective action against copyright infringement, including seizure and detention of infringing goods.

The firm’s litigation practice handles disputes in the English Courts as well as managing multi-jurisdictional cases in Europe and beyond. Its litigators are experienced in a wide range of contentious IP matters including trade marks, passing off, patents, designs, domain names and company names. The firm also handles appeals in registration and contentious matters for UK and European trade marks, patents and designs, including before the High Court and, on a European level, the General Court and Court of Justice. For smaller matters, its litigators represent clients in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC), which has streamlined procedures designed to ensure that IP cases valued at less than £500K are heard in a focused way.

Maucher Jenkins® is the joint trading name of RGC Jenkins & Co in the UK (regulated by IPReg) and Maucher Jenkins Patentanwälte  & Rechtsanwälte  in Germany.

Other offices: Farnham, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Munich, Freiburg, Kulmbach, Basel, Beijing and Shenzhen