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Marcia Willis Stewart

Work Department

Actions against the PoliceCivil Liberties & Human RightsInquests & InquiriesPublic law


Following a successful career in local government, Marcia trained as a solicitor with renowned civil liberties firm Birnberg Peirce rising to become director.


Marcia has and continues to represent families in challenging and high profile cases against the state. She acted for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, shot dead by police in 2005 and represented the family in the 2011 police shooting of Mark Duggan. More recently Willis Stewart was the lead lawyer for the legal team acting on behalf of 77 of the 96 families at the Hillsborough Inquests, where it was ruled that the 96 were unlawfully killed.

A keen champion of diversity, she has created working environments to enable access for lawyers from marginalised communities, who are least likely to be afforded opportunities within the legal profession.

Willis Stewart has a long history of commitment to the voluntary sector and schools, contributing as an active trustee and governor.


Southbank UniversityLaw SocietyINQUEST Lawyers GroupPolice Action Lawyers Group