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Alexander Laing
Alexander Laing
Alex accepts instructions in all areas of family law. He has a broad practice, focusing on children law (public and private), financial remedies and domestic violence, and represents local authorities, guardians, mothers and fathers. He has recently completed a 6-day fact-finding hearing in to decades of alleged sexual abuse. He is a contributor on children and financial remedy law to Family Law and Family Law Week, has a joint column for Family Law online and is a case summarizer for Family Law Week. For a full list of his publications, see ‘Publications’ tab above.
Alison Easton
Alison Easton
Alison is a highly experienced and dedicated family practitioner who specialises in the law relating to children. Within public law proceedings she is regularly instructed by the Local Authority but also has extensive experience of representing parents and children. She has particular expertise in cases which involve medically complex facts, non-accidental injury and death, factitious illness by proxy and serious sexual abuse. She has a specific interest in the factually challenging cases of emotional abuse and chronic neglect which always have the potential to bring significant and enduring impairment to children. Alison has regularly represented parents who present with mental health problems and/or addiction difficulties and believes that, as with all parents, client care coupled with robust advocacy is critically important during one of the most distressing episodes of their life.  
Amanda Bewley
Amanda Bewley
Amanda specialises in all aspects of Private and Public Law Children, maintaining an almost even split between those two broad practice areas. She also practices in Coroners’ Courts undertaking Inquests. Amanda joined Coram in March 2019 from St. Mary’s Family Law Chambers, a specialist, award-winning family set based in the East Midlands. She has been ranked as a leading individual in the Legal 500 for 4 consecutive years and brings to Coram a wealth of experience and expertise beyond her year of Call. Amanda has developed a solid reputation for meticulous case preparation and for being a fearless and skilled advocate who is approachable and quickly able to build a rapport with her clients. She provides sensible and robust advice. Amanda has a particular interest and aptitude in representing parents with mental health issues and learning difficulties. This was recognised in the most recent publication of the Legal 500, “She has particular expertise in acting for parents with mental health issues” and the 2016 edition, “Experienced in representing parents with mental health issues and learning difficulties.” Accordingly, Amanda is regularly instructed to represent the most vulnerable and volatile clients by virtue of their complex mental health issues. In addition, she is instructed by other parties to proceedings such as on behalf of children where complex mental health issues are a factor due to her expertise in this area.
Anna Ratcliffe
Anna Ratcliffe
Anna has a busy family law practice at the Bar. Her work primarily focuses on financial remedy and private law children matters, however, she also has experience of proceedings concerning forced marriage and adoption. Anna has a particular interest in cases with an international element and has experience of working on complex cases involving multiple jurisdictions. Anna transferred to the bar in 2015 having completed the Bar Transfer Test. Anna’s previous experience of conducting all aspects of cases in the family courts gives her an acute appreciation of the importance of combining a constructive and empathetic approach with firm and realistic advice. She is recognised as being clever, practical and dedicated to her clients. Anna has travelled extensively and has spent extended periods volunteering in Kenya and Ghana. In 2013 she completed the trek to Everest base camp.
Anna Walsh
Anna Walsh
Anna is a compassionate and thoughtful barrister with a wide range of practice areas in family law. She has vast experience in representing social workers, children, guardians, parents and extended family members and is committed to ensuring her clients’ cases are put in the strongest possible terms. Her expertise covers care proceedings specialising in chronic neglect and matters involving medical issues including appropriateness of treatment, private and public law cases where issues concerning welfare arise, adoption cases and applications made under the Inherent Jurisdiction when children are missing from care.
Anne Spratling
Anne Spratling
A well-respected and highly-accomplished barrister who has specialised in family law since being called to the Bar in 1980, Anne has a special interest in law relating to children. She has in-depth experience in both public and private law Children Act proceedings and adoptions. Her wide-ranging practice includes cases involving mental illness, factitious illness, implacable hostility, alienation and allegations of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, and special educational needs.  She sits as a judge in the Special Educational Needs Tribunal.
Anne-Marie Glover
Anne-Marie Glover
Anne-Marie is a very experienced, specialist family law practitioner. In public law proceedings Anne-Marie is regularly instructed on highly complex matters including those involving extensive medical evidence and parallel criminal proceedings, often in the context of allegations of serious non-accidental injury and extreme sexual abuse. Her experience extends across all areas of domestic and international proceedings relating to children, including both convention and non-convention abduction cases and the international movement of children. Anne-Marie is a member of the Court of Protection team and has a particular interest in international human rights law, development and transitional justice derived from postgraduate study. Anne-Marie represents the full range of clients including local authorities, family members and children, both through their Guardians and when separately represented. She is often instructed to represent particularly vulnerable clients such as young parents and those with mental health difficulties. She does not shy away from adopting a robust approach whether that be to advocacy or the advice given.  Anne-Marie considers it extremely important to develop good working relationships with her professional and lay clients to inspire confidence in the presentation of the case and advice given. She understands that lay clients in particular may find court proceedings stressful and she is often able to put them at their ease with her warm and approachable style of client care.
Bianca Jackson
Bianca Jackson
Bianca has a busy and diverse practice in all aspects of children law, as well as applications under Part IV Family Law Act 1996. She regularly acts in public law cases, representing local authorities, parents, grandparents, and guardians. In private children law, Bianca has expertise in cases concerning allegations of rape and domestic violence, as well as those involving intractable contact and residence disputes. She is very experienced in dealing with cases with an international element. Bianca is the head of the Alternative Families Practice Group in chambers and has a particular expertise in surrogacy law and legal parenthood. She is highly knowledgeable about both the case law and the statutory provisions in this complex area of law, and has lectured and published articles on the subject for Family Law Week. Most recently, she appeared in the reported cases of  A & B (No 1 Fact-finding judgment) [2015] EWHC 1059 (Fam) and A & B (No 2 – Parental Order [2015] EWHC 2080 (Fam), which concerned an international surrogacy arrangement in India
Caitlin Ferris
Caitlin Ferris
Caitlin is an experienced family lawyer with particular expertise in the area of public law and private law children in circumstances that involve the child requiring representation. Caitlin has specialised in representing   Local Authorities, parents and children and is able to prepare all requisite documentation to the highest standard at short notice. Caitlin is considered a robust advocate; however she understands fully the importance of ensuring all clients receive appropriate, realistic advice dispensed in an empathetic manner. Caitlin is able to offer excellent client care within even the most challenging cases. Caitlin considers all clients’ needs are best served by offering continuity of representation and good communication throughout proceedings.
Caroline Croft
Caroline Croft
Caroline appears at all levels of the Family Court and has appeared on behalf of the Appellant in the Court of Appeal. Within care proceedings Caroline represents local authorities, parents, guardians and other family members. Caroline has represented parents and local authorities in cases involving inflicted injuries and allegations of sexual abuse. Caroline is instructed in applications under the Inherent Jurisdiction and in cases involving Forced Marriage Protection Orders and FGM Protection Orders. Caroline has undertaken numerous cases with an international element where she has a detailed understanding of the requirements and restrictions of such cases and Caroline has significant experience of cases where children are placed abroad. Without the assistance of leading counsel, Caroline successfully persuaded the Court of Appeal to set aside a judge’s refusal to grant placement orders in respect of 3 siblings. Caroline represented an applicant local authority at a complex 23 day final hearing. In private law proceedings, Caroline has represented parents, guardians and NYAS Case Workers and she regularly appears in complex matters, including cases with very serious allegations and relocation cases.  
Catherine Nicholes
Catherine Nicholes
Catherine originally practised in crime, general civil and family law. She was delighted to join a chambers which pioneered and specialised in care proceedings long before that area became popular at the Bar. Her practice in care proceedings was originally very much in representing the parents , wider family or the child both with and without a guardian. She continues to specialise in such work and has particular expertise in representing clients who have personality difficulties, mental health issues or are accused of very serious abuse. However she has, for some years, been instructed also by local authorities. Her work as a Deputy District Judge means that she has experience and perspective from “each end and both sides of the counter”. Catherine is a member of Islington Free Legal Advice Centre and continues to assist there as a committee member and when senior or specialist knowledge is needed.
Christopher Archer
Christopher Archer
Having started out in general common law practice, Christopher has since 1999 practised exclusively in family law and has since that time developed a breadth and depth of experience in all aspects of the law relating to children. Christopher has particular expertise in complex public law cases and regularly represents local authorities, parents and children in care and supervision proceedings, adoption, placement and special guardianship proceedings and other applications under Part IV of the Children Act 1989. Christopher has recently been instructed in cases involving serious allegations of sexual abuse against a number of parties, fabricated and induced illness, parental homicide and fatal non-accidental head injury. He has particular expertise in matters involving complex or conflicting medical evidence and regularly receives instructions in cases of suspected non-accidental injuries. He is frequently involved in care proceedings which are running in parallel with a criminal investigation or trial. Christopher has a wealth of experience of vulnerable clients, whether as a result of poor mental health, cognitive deficit or other disability. He has appeared on behalf of parties who are represented by the Official Solicitor.  Christopher also acts in private law children applications, including those with an international element and proceedings in which the inherent jurisdiction is invoked to obtain emergency remedies with respect to children.
Danielle Lewis
Danielle Lewis
Danielle is a family law practitioner specialising in child law with extensive experience across the spectrum of public and private law proceedings. Danielle’s main area of practice lies in the public law field, where she regularly acts in care and adoption proceedings in all levels of court. She is experienced in complex and difficult cases, which include serious non-accidental injury, conflicting medical opinion, sexual, physical and emotional harm to children, and cases that involve drug and alcohol abuse. Danielle regularly acts for parents, local authorities, grandparents and other extended family members and for children themselves, whether they are separately and independently represented or through their Children’s Guardian.  Danielle is also instructed by the official solicitor, as litigation friend, to represent the vulnerable and incapacitated. Within the private law field she has extensive experience of residence disputes, intractable contact cases, special guardianship orders and permission to remove a child from the jurisdiction.  She is also regularly instructed on behalf of the child in rule 16.4 cases. Having also formerly practised in criminal law Danielle has expertise in issues such as disclosure to and from the police, CPS and criminal courts, public interest immunity applications and linked care and criminal proceedings.
Georgia Mitropoulos
Georgia Mitropoulos
Georgia has over 23 years experience as an advocate and practices exclusively in the field of family law. Her initial practice encompassed both criminal law and family law although for the past 18 years she has practiced exclusively in child care law specialising in particular in public law matters representing both parents and guardians. Her early experience as a criminal lawyer makes her a particularly effective choice in highly contested matters and she is admired by both the judiciary and her colleagues alike for her robust and determined approach which she combines with a real understanding of the needs of each particular case. She brings a nuanced and considered approach to all matters she deals with. She has a reputation for representing her clients with passion and conviction. Georgia deals with matters from sexual abuse and serious NAI/death of a child to long term neglect and emotional abuse, she has a particular interest in ensuring that the voice of the child is heard in court proceedings and regularly acts on behalf of children for both CAFCASS and NYAS.
Georgina Rushworth
Georgina Rushworth
Georgina’s practice encompasses all areas of family law relating to both finance and children, with a particular interest in financial matters, marital agreements and private law children matters.  Often her work has an international dimension and includes cases involving relocation, jurisdiction disputes, child abduction (Hague and non-Hague convention) and international maintenance issues.  Georgina is a member of both the alternative families and genetics teams, having developed an interest in the legal issues that arise as a result of advances in technology. Regarded as a highly-knowledgeable and skilful advocate with a real flair for putting people at their ease, she works tirelessly and tenaciously to achieve the best possible outcomes for her clients.
Gill Honeyman
Gill Honeyman
Gill Honeyman is a specialist in children’s law, with particular expertise in care proceedings and complex private law matters.  A highly effective advocate, she is regularly instructed on behalf of the child in difficult private law cases by both NYAS and Cafcass Legal. She frequently represents guardians, parents, and competent children who have parted company with their guardians. Since being called to the bar in 2011, Gill has built on twenty years of experience as a children’s specialist solicitor to develop a strong practice.
Helen Harper
Helen Harper
Helen is an experienced child law specialist. Her practice covers all matters relating to adoption, care proceedings and disputes about children arising within families. She is regularly instructed by parents, extended family members, children (both directly and through their guardians), local authorities and adoption agencies. She has particular expertise in: International adoption (under the Hague Adoption Convention and otherwise) Factually complex public and private children law matters – such as those involving allegations of Non Accidental Injury (including allegations of baby shaking), Fabricated and Induced Illness and serious sexual assaults Special guardianship In addition to attending court hearings, Helen also undertakes advisory work for solicitors, adoption agencies and individuals.
Jacqueline Marks
Jacqueline Marks
Family law: Over the years Jackie Marks has developed a strong practice in family law. This has encompassed most areas including ancillary relief; children both public and private; adoption; divorce and injunctions. Jackie has represented Local Authorities, parents and Guardians in care proceedings and this broad range of experience gives her an ability to see the strengths and weaknesses of a case and to have a complete perspective of the issues. Matrimonial finance: approximately fifty percent of Jackie’s professional practice is engaged in matrimonial finance where she demonstrates sound commercial judgment. She has experience of a diverse range of cases including those where the assets have significant value and those cases where the asset base needs to be stretched to meet the needs of the parties. Jackie’s manner is approachable and she has the ability to develop good working relationships with both her lay and professional clients. She is able to inspire confidence in her clients by her professional and thorough approach.
James Schofield
James Schofield
James has been a specialist family law barrister at Coram Chambers for more than 10 years working at all levels of Court up to the Court of Appeal, in the following areas of family law:1. Care, placement and adoption proceedings on behalf of parents and children, and for local authorities, including appeals;2. Family law cases with an international element, including child placement abroad and adoption with a foreign element;3. private law disputes between carers in relation to child arrangements, including those raising issues of parental alienation and of non-accidental injury or other allegations of harm against a child and appeals; and special guardianship;4. Private law disputes raising issues of removal of a child to Hague and non-Hague Convention countries;5. Family law injunctions and enforcement;6. Family law cases raising issues related to Court of Protection matters;In the case of Re: S (A Child) [2017] EWCA Civ 249 (24 February 2017), an appeal brought by the mother of a young child following the making of a care order and an order authorising the child to be placed for adoption, Lord Justice McFarlane, giving the Judgment of the Court, stated that James had “conspicuously” represented the mother’s interests “both at trial and at appeal with great care, skill and insight.”   He has a particular interest in advising and representing individuals and families where there is an issue relating to children or adults with social, developmental or educational needs, especially Asperger’s syndrome or specific learning difficulties, and he was an accredited tribunal representative of IPSEA (the Independent Panel for Special Education Advice) from 2004 to 2007.    
John Paul Cregan
John Paul Cregan
Paul Cregan has practised exclusively in family law throughout his long career at the Bar. In private law proceedings, he acts for parents to resolve often apparently intractable contact disputes and residence issues, international relocation and abduction (Hague and Brussels IIR parental abduction). He welcomes instructions for such cases through the Direct Access Scheme. He also acts for parents, relatives, children and local authorities in care proceedings.  His work often involves serious and complex cases involving physical and emotional abuse and neglect as well as fact-finding hearings including FII (fabricated and induced illness). In non-accidental injury cases, including a recent case involving the death of a baby, he appears for parents and others who have found themselves in the pool of possible perpetrators.
Julia Queen
Julia Queen
Julia has a busy practice specialising in the law relating to children. She has extensive experience representing parents and local authorities at all stages of public law proceedings, including emergency applications out of hours, interim and final hearings and appeals. She has a particular interest in cases involving medical evidence, disability and unaccompanied minors. She assists with the cross-examination of paediatricians as part of the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health expert witness training. Julia also has a thriving private practice acting for both mothers and fathers in cases involving national and international relocation, allegations of sexual abuse against children, severe domestic violence, parental alienation and appeals.
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson
Kate started family cases in earnest long before the Children Act, in the days when wardship was the answer – whatever the question.  With over thirty years experience, it is hard to think of a type of case she has not had experience dealing with.  She was doing factitious illness cases when they were still called munchausens syndrome by proxy, she has been doing abuse cases since the days of ‘disclosure’ interviews and anatomically correct dolls and dealing with residence and contact disputes when they used to be known as custody and access.  Suffice it to say Kate has undertaken work in all types of family matters at all levels of court.  Throughout her career to date she has represented Local Authority’s, parents, children and other interested parties.  
Kieran Pugh
Kieran Pugh
Kieran is a specialist children law practitioner acting in both public and private law matters. In care proceedings Kieran is experienced in acting for local authorities, parents and children’s guardians in cases involving significant injuries (including non accidental head injuries) or child fatality, parental murder, parental abuse, sexual abuse, violence, substance misuse and neglect. Kieran has managed these cases through all stages from case management to fact-finding hand final hearings at all levels of Court. Kieran also acts for local authorities or family members in cases concerning forced marriage protection applications and is available to advise at short notice. In private law matters he acts for both parents and R16.4 guardians in cases that frequently involve intractable hostility or serious allegations raised by one parent (or the child) against another. Kieran’s particular interest is in cases that involve careful consideration of medical evidence. Kieran also takes on Direct Access work and welcomes cases of this nature.
Lucinda Wicks
Lucinda Wicks
Lucinda joined Coram Chambers as a pupil in 2008; following which she was invited to join Chambers as a tenant in 2009. Prior to commencing her pupillage with Coram, Lucinda had direct exposure to Child Law work though her role as a paralegal for the head of the Children’s department at Fisher Meredith Solicitors LLP. In that role, Lucinda worked directly with clients and attended court on a regular basis providing her with the opportunity to gain a detailed insight into the complexities of working within Family Law. Lucinda has also worked within the Probation Service during which time she was directly involved with offenders of all backgrounds; including those convicted of extreme violence towards others and those who offending was linked to long – term drug and/or alcohol issues or their mental health. As a result, Lucinda is skilled at representing those who have a complex, and potentially prejudicial, history of offending within the Family Law arena. Lucinda has also been a volunteer with the Personal Support Unit assisting Self – Represented Litigants in the Royal Courts of Justice and the Principal Registry of the Family Division. This has contributed to Lucinda’s particular skill in working with vulnerable clients whose personal circumstances are such that they require a more attuned and compassionate approach from their representative. As a member of Coram Lucinda continues to represent all manner of clients including Local Authorities, parents, Children’s Guardians and Grandparents in cases which cover all manner of issues including sexual abuse, Domestic Violence, non accidental injuries to a child and Residence. Lucinda is also trained in Mental Health Review Tribunal Work and welcomes cases of this nature.
Martha Cover
Martha Cover
Martha has specialised in children law for the last twenty years, and she usually represents parents and children in the most serious child protection cases. She is frequently instructed in cases of death or serious injury to children where there are concurrent criminal proceedings. Many of these cases involve complex medical evidence relating to traumatic infant brain injury and/or allegations of fabricated or induced illness. Martha also appears in cases where there are allegations of emotional harm to children who are being brought up in unusual belief systems. She appeared in the first reported ‘Miracle Baby’ case on behalf of the putative mother. She also specialises in adoption and the use of wardship. In recent years she has developed a niche practice representing legally competent teenagers who wish to intervene in intractable private law disputes concerning themselves and sometimes their siblings. In November 2015 Martha was re-elected co-chair of the Association of Lawyers for Children. She has given evidence to the Justice Select Committee on the representation of children in  family proceedings, and to the House of Lords committee on adoption law reform. She regularly speaks and writes on the wider policy issues concerning care proceedings, adoption and the representation of vulnerable children in court.
Matthew Shaw
Matthew Shaw
Matthew specialises in Private Client, principally Family Finance and Private Child. He is used to dealing with cases involving not only serious child welfare issues and Guardians but also cross-allegations of domestic abuse between parents. Matthew has also represented both applicants and respondents in leave to remove cases. Having come from a mixed practise background, Matthew has found his previous experience in the criminal courts and the immigration tribunal very useful when advising in family matters. Matthew has experience at each stage of financial remedy proceedings and applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989, including those involving clients who have experienced domestic abuse by the other party. He perseveres to secure a fair and appropriate outcome and to ensure his client’s voice is heard.
Meena Gill
Meena Gill
Meena is a specialist family law practitioner who has worked extensively in public and private law children cases and adoption cases. She has represented in equal measure local authorities, parents, non parent parties and children both through their guardians and where deemed to be competent, directly. Meena has represented vulnerable adults and children with learning disability and mental health issues. She has acted on behalf parents who have been assessed to lack capacity through the Official Solicitor. Meena has experience in cases involving international abduction, issues of relocation, forced marriage and honour killing and involving concurrent criminal proceedings.
Melissa Harrison
Melissa Harrison
Melissa is a family law specialist, highly experienced in all areas of child and family law. She is regularly instructed by parents, guardians and local authorities in public and private law children cases. Her areas of expertise include public and private law applications under the Children Act 1989; securing injunctive relief under the Family Law Act 1996 and; applications under the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973. Melissa has a developing practice relating to the Court of Protection allowing her to draw on her extensive experience in public law Children Act matters. This practice includes overlapping jurisdictions of the of the Court of Protection and the Children Act 1989; personal welfare applications; section 21A applications challenging authorisations under DOLS; contested applications for the appointment of deputies (welfare/financial affairs) and emergency applications. Melissa has considerable experience in working with cases involving domestic violence. She is noted by instructing solicitors as having a professional and personable approach. Her commitment to client care ensures that professional and lay clients alike are provided with support, advice and attention at every stage of the case. She has a meticulous and rigorous approach to preparation in every case resulting in all clients receiving a consistently high level of service and representation. She is highly skilled at handling sensitive cases, particularly when dealing with vulnerable clients, including those with learning difficulties, mental illness, addictions, personality disorders and those for whom English is not their first language.
Michael Horton
Michael Horton
Mike specialises in complex financial remedy cases and in ToLATA disputes (ie property disputes between cohabitees or unmarried couples under the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996).  He has particular experience of appellate work and work with an international element.  Mike also undertakes some children work (but not public law work), and some adult social care work. In Chambers UK 2012, Mike was described as ‘one of the set’s most promising juniors. He is known for his “keen analytical brain” and “tremendous knowledge” of the law.’  Mike has appeared as a leading junior in family law in Legal 500. In December 2014, Mike was appointed to the Family Procedure Rule Committee. Mike’s practice now focusses on more complex cases.  His broad practice extends to: Conventional financial remedies disputes; Cases where insolvency impacts on financial remedy cases: Mike has appeared in the bankruptcy court on contested annulment and other applications; The enforcement of pension sharing orders (especially where the pension fund to be shared was under the control of the respondent spouse); Intervenors’ property claims in financial remedy proceedings; Avoidance of disposition orders; Cases where a financial remedy claim is in conflict with confiscation orders made in the Crown Court (in cases both before and after the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 came into force); Advising on pre-nuptial and other marital agreements; Claims under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 in both the family courts and the Chancery Division. In recent years Mike has experience of such claims settling at mediation and has appeared in contested trials; Child support cases (including advising on a recent appeal from the Upper Tribunal to the Court of Appeal); Concurrent Schedule 1 and ToLATA claims; and Costs disputes   Mike has a particular forte in property law claims, especially those made under ToLATA.  His practice extends to: A successful proprietary estoppel claim against the executors of an estate in relation to the major asset of the estate; Drug confiscation proceedings in the Court of Appeal on a property law point; A ToLATA and Partnership Act claim relating to 27 properties purchased over 10 years; A claim to an interest in a holiday home in Spain, brought here under the provisions of Brussels I; A disputed application for a restriction resulting in proceedings before the Property Chamber of the First-Tier Tribunal; A claim for rectification of a declaration of trust; A case where an illegality argument was used to defeat the claim; A dispute over the ownership of a houseboat; The effect of mutual wills; Contested probate matters; and Undue influence cases. Mike has also acted for local authorities and the Official Solicitor in Court of Protection cases.  He represented a local authority in the Court of Protection in an important test case on the appointment of welfare deputies: London Borough of Havering v LD & Anor [2010] EWHC 3876 (COP) (25 June 2010). Mike has extensive experience of other family law work, including injunctions under the Family Law Act and of divorce proceedings, including defended divorces and jurisdiction disputes under Brussels IIA and the 1973 Act.He advises in cases of alleged professional negligence in his areas of expertise. His children practice includes acting for parents and children in all forms of private law proceedings. He also has experience of international work and child abduction work, under Brussels IIA and the Hague Convention. Mike is one of five barristers in Chambers who are fully trained in collaborative law and is also a qualified Arbitrator. Mike frequently lectures for a number of CPD course providers.
Neil Bullock
Neil Bullock
Neil is a children law specialist, and has extensive experience in all aspect of the law relating to children. His main areas of practice are care proceedings, adoption, abduction, and private law disputes within families. He represents children, Guardians and parents, and is regularly instructed by CACFASS and NYAS. He regularly represents vulnerable and disadvantaged clients. He has extensive experience of cases involving death, non-accidental injury, factitious/fabricated illness, neglect, and the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children. Neil has particular interest and experience in cases involving drug and alcohol issues and those involving mental health issues and personality vulnerabilities. He has great experience in cases with an international element and those involving the abduction of children (in respect of both convention and non-convention countries). He has specialist knowledge regarding HIV-related matters, including of issues that arise in paediatric medicine. He is considered to be an able and effective advocate and one who has an approachable and reassuring manner with lay clients.
Neil Fry
Neil Fry
Neil specialises in family law. Much of his work encompasses complex Public Law (care proceedings) where issues of non-accidental injury, sexual abuse, drug/alcohol addiction, neglect, mental health or learning disabilities feature. A persuasive, approachable advocate, he has a reassuringly no-nonsense approach to advising clients which puts them at their ease. Always meticulous in his preparation, he rapidly gets to the heart of the matter, and, when dealing with sensitive and difficult cases, operates to exemplary standards of client care. In financial claims Neil represents and advises parties and interveners in all types of claims: financial remedies upon divorce, claims under Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989 and claims brought under the Trusts of Land and Appointments of Trustees Act 1996.
Nicholas Horsley
Nicholas Horsley
Nicholas is a highly experienced barrister, specialising in both public and private children’s law cases at all levels of court. Nick is a fearless advocate for clients’ cases in court and he is viewed by his peers as calm, thorough, and hardworking. Nick is known for his client care skills, particularly his ability to listen calmly and carefully to clients, and in giving honest and practical advice. He appears for parents and local authorities, and is instructed on behalf of children both by CAFCASS guardians and NYAS. His regular clients include Local Authorities, parents, children, and interveners. Nick is especially interested in helping alternative families, particularly those from LGBT relationships.
Nicholas O"Brien
Nicholas O"Brien
Nick has an established reputation in both the fields of child and adult protection. He represents local authorities and family members and is regularly instructed on behalf of children through their children’s guardians and adults through the Official Solicitor. Nick has a wealth of experience in adult protection in particular Court of Protection (welfare, deprivations of liberty, appointment and discharge of deputies, lasting powers of attorney) work. In care proceedings and secure accommodation Nick is instructed at all levels of court  for local authorities, parents and relatives, interveners and children, special guardians. In private law children cases Nick specialises in adoption including adoption breakdown and cancellation of placements. Nick also undertakes child abduction cases and Judicial review including claimant and defendant work arising from social services decision making in particular decisions relating to fostering and adoption,  children in need, adult care, accommodation, charging policies and community care assessments, Nick is mainly based in the SE of England but advises and represents clients throughout England and Wales. He trains social workers on court skills and lectures on Court of Protection and care and adoption issues to local authority lawyers.
Philip Waller CBE
In a judicial career spanning 26 years Philip Waller has gained wide experience of and expertise in family law and practice. He was appointed as a district judge of the Principal Registry in 1994, continuing his specialist interest in family law developed in practice at the Bar. His judicial work has encompassed all aspects family law and practice, with a strong emphasis on financial remedy proceedings and public and private law children cases. From 2004 until 2013 Philip was Senior District Judge of the Family Division, in which role he was responsible for hearing some of the more complex and sensitive financial and children cases and for advising on changes in practice and procedure. He was appointed to the circuit bench in 2013, sitting in the family court at Watford and Luton, where alongside children proceedings his work included financial remedy appeals and Court of Protection cases. He retired from judicial office in February 2020. As a member of the Family Procedure Rule Committee from its inception, Philip was closely involved in the development of the Family Procedure Rules and in the changes supporting the creation of the Family Court. He was a member of the Financial Remedies Working Group and has since been involved in the procedural changes for financial remedy cases which have followed the group’s report. Philip is a Bencher of the Inner Temple and Chancellor of the Diocese of Portsmouth. He was appointed CBE in 2011 for services to the administration of justice.
Richard Beddoe
Richard Beddoe
Richard is a specialist in family law, focusing on private law disputes and care proceedings relating to children. He is an effective, direct and caring advisor to parents, children, guardians and local authorities. He has particular expertise in representing victims of neglect and abuse, and is known for his careful handling of highly emotional cases with a sensitive and empathetic manner. A highly experienced barrister, Richard’s private law work covers national and international cases, including those with Rule 16.4 Guardians. His friendly yet firm approach is well regarded by clients, solicitors and judges alike, and Richard prides himself on his quick response to client enquires and being accessible out of hours.  At court, Richard’ is a strong advocate who gets straight to the point.
Richard O'Sullivan
Richard O'Sullivan
Consistently recommended by The Legal 500, Richard is noted for his skill in dealing with ‘high-value, complex family matters’ and for his ability in covering the ‘whole spectrum of family work’. His practice spans both private and public law proceedings, as well as applications for financial provision arising out of marriage, civil partnerships and cohabitation. Before joining Coram in 2014, Richard spent 14 years at East Anglian Chambers where his family law practice included financial provision proceedings, public and private law proceedings. He continues to appear regularly in the region’s courts and is routinely instructed by solicitors and local authorities in the area. His recent work has included cases involving: care proceedings; application for secure accommodation orders and discharge of care orders; article 15; removal from jurisdiction and child abduction; special guardianship applications; domestic violence cases; residence, contact and parental responsibility disputes; ancillary relief and financial provision arising out of marriage, civil partnership and cohabitation.
Rosina Aman
Rosina Aman
Rosina Aman’s practice covers all areas of family law. Prior to undertaking pupillage in chambers, Rosina worked for a number of years for non-government organisations in the area of children’s rights and human rights. She has a strong interest in human rights and international law. Rosina spent many years as an advice worker and campaigner in the field of welfare rights, homeless families, anti-poverty initiatives and young refugees and asylum seekers. She has been an advocate for care leavers and asylum seekers. She worked for the EU as the UK co-ordinator and project author for a pan-European project on migrant families and social exclusion. She worked alongside European lawyers and NGOs to promote good practice on tackling social exclusion. Whilst at the Children’s Rights Alliance for England, she was the campaign co-ordinator for a Children’s Commissioner for England and promotion of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. She took a group of children and young people to give evidence for the first time to the Joint Committee for Human Rights. Rosina volunteered at Liberty for two years as assistant researcher on its privacy law project.
Sarah Tyler
Sarah Tyler
A specialist family law practitioner, Sarah acts in both public and private law children cases. Her public law work involves advising local authorities, parents, grandparents, NYAS case workers and guardians. She brings significant experience in cases involving sexual abuse, non-accidental injury, domestic violence, neglect and substance abuse. Her private law work covers national and international relocation cases, intractable hostility cases and those with Rule 16.4 Guardians and cases under the inherent jurisdiction. In family finance cases, she represents and advises clients in all matters of marital or civil partnership breakdown. Sarah is also trained in Mental Health Review Tribunal Work and welcomes cases of this nature.
Sima Kothari
Sima Kothari
Sima is a highly experienced family practitioner specializing in all aspects of the law relating to children with a particular emphasis on public law. She represents local authorities, parents, children and other family members at all levels of court. She has been regularly instructed in matters involving complex medical evidence of non- accidental injuries often with concurrent criminal proceedings, including matters where an older sibling is alleged to have died as a result of inflicted injury. Sima is also regularly instructed in serious cases in which allegations of sexual abuse are made as well as matters of serious emotional abuse. Sima has been instructed as a Leading Junior. She regularly represents parents and children in complex private law proceedings and her easy and highly accessible approach has often been invaluable in tense cases with litigants in person. Sima undertakes direct access work. Sima has a very hands on approach to her cases which she is keen to case manage in partnership with her instructing solicitor. She has a firm but approachable style and is able to put both lay and professional clients at ease very quickly. Her case preparation is thorough and  meticulous and this coupled  with a realistic yet robust approach ensures that even the most difficult circumstances are managed smoothly and efficiently. Sima’s languages and knowledge of the culture of the Indian sub- continent, her ability to connect with individuals from this background, together with her many years of experience as a family lawyer makes her ideally placed to represent any party in forced marriage applications or in cases which involve an element of this.
Sophie Hill
Sophie is a leading junior in family law with a particular emphasis on financial matters, specialising in HNW and international cases, nuptial agreements and disclosure issues, instructed by the best specialist family law teams in London.  Frequently instructed together with Leading Counsel in complex matters, she was recently led in a high profile pre-nup case by Michael Horton KC in MN v AN [2023] EWHC 613.  She represents parties in complex private law children disputes, often involving very serious allegations and vulnerable clients. Sophie sits as a private FDR judge and supervises pupils.
Susan Stamford
Susan Stamford
Called in 1997, Su is a family law barrister who practises primarily in public law proceedings representing parents and children.  This typically includes serious non-accidental injury and sexual abuse cases. Su also undertakes complex private law cases representing children through their guardian. Su has particular expertise in acting for difficult and/or vulnerable clients, including those with anger management issues and drug or alcohol problems.  She has represented a significant number of clients with learning difficulties and/or mental health issues.  
Tosin Oguntayo
Tosin Oguntayo
Tosin is a barrister specialising in all aspects of Family Law including trusts of land and cohabittee disputes. Tosin is a very passionate and committed barrister who takes great pride in representing and promoting his clients’ best interests. He adopts a very patient and meticulous approach to all his cases, placing great emphasis on the importance of listening and absorbing the views and concerns of his clients. He is particularly adept at engendering the trust and confidence of his clients, providing them with a sense of calm and stability in often very trying circumstances. He is acutely aware of the privileged position he has attained and strives to convey a sense of humility and appreciation. To this end, Tosin has continued to ensure that his practice includes publicly funded work, and he has also appeared in the Court of Appeal on behalf of the Bar Pro Bono Unit. Family Finance Tosin has a wealth of experience in all aspects of family breakdown and finance. He is known for being a tough but fair negotiator, who strives to achieve a swift settlement in cases where that is the most reasonable and cost effective option. However, where matters have had to be contested, clients have been able to rely on Tosin’s experience as a robust, incisive and diligent advocate Children Tosin has built up a reputation as a particularly skilled advocate in the field of private law children act disputes. His practice covers all applications under the Children Act 1989, including child arrangment orders and applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act. Tosin has dealt with applications involving allegations of domestic violence, alcohol/drug misuse and also the more difficult cases involving implacable hostility, including those where the children have been made parties to the proceedings. Clients are known to have found Tosin’s calm, patient and ‘down to earth’ approach, especially useful in helping them resolve legal issues that are often intertwined with raw and deeply held emotions. Care & Adoption Tosin has acted for local authorities, guardians, parents and grand-parents and as such, has built up a robust and wide ranging practice. Tosin has been instructed in cases involving sexual abuse, non-accidental injuries, domestic violence, substance abuse, neglect and mental incapacity. Tosin’s sensitive and considered approach, has been key in his ability to manage and understand the process of resolving what are often very challenging and traumatic issues.
Victoria Roberts
Victoria Roberts
Victoria receives instructions on a wide range of family law matters and specialises in proceedings in relation to children. Victoria is noted for her sensitive approach to vulnerable clients and ability to manage difficult characters.  Clients have commended Victoria for her robust, problem-solving approach and valuable advice early on in cases, such as advising on experts, evidence and disclosure requirements. Victoria is regularly instructed in cases involving: Allegations of non-accidental injuries, including cases with conflicting medical evidence and management of rehabilitation plans; Allegations of fabricated or induced illness; Allegations of sexual abuse; Allegations of radicalisation; Forced marriage and forced marriage protection orders; FGM and FGM protection orders; Child sexual exploitation; Cultural and religious concerns; Vulnerable parties and parents with learning difficulties; International elements, including where jurisdiction may be in issue and placement out of the jurisdiction.
William Metaxa
William Metaxa
William has specialised in the law relating to children, with an emphasis on all aspects of public law, since 1997. He represents Local Authorities, parents, children and other family members at all levels of court and has wide experience of cases involving serious physical, emotional and sexual abuse. He regularly represents parents with mental health/personality/addiction difficulties and mothers themselves subject to care proceedings. William also has extensive experience of representing parents in complex private law cases. William has presented lectures and seminars to Local Authority social workers.
Yasmeen Jamil
Yasmeen is an experienced public law children’s practitioner covering the broad spectrum of work in care proceedings. She is regularly instructed in cases involving the following issues: Non-accidental injury Multiple injury cases Allegations of physical abuse Allegations of sexual abuse Parallel criminal proceedings Joint care and immigration issues Neglect Drugs and alcohol Domestic violence Complex and disputed medical evidence Disclosure applications Cases involving multiple respondents and interveners
Alexander Laing