Rachel Crasnow KC
- Phone020 7827 4000
- Email[email protected]
Leading QC specialising in employment law, with emphasis on discrimination and human rights. Practices in all areas of workplace and equality law. Frequently instructed in regulatory and disciplinary cases. Notable recent cases include High Court decisions on natural justice and political parties: Neslen v Evans QBD [2021] EWHC 1909, Jeremy Corbyn v Evans [2021] EWHC 130 (QB), human rights abuses and the scope of workers rights: National Union of Professional Foster Carers v Certification Officer, CA [2021] IRLR 588, Gilham v MOJ [2018] ICR 827 CA, restrictive covenants and confidential information: Rentrak Ltd v Green [2020] EWHC 3693 (QB), equal pay litigation in the media: Samira Ahmed v BBC [2020] 1 WLUK 16 ET and ongoing supermarket equal pay litigation, pension rights for part-time judges: Miller v Ministry of Justice [2020] ICR 1143 SC, O'Brien v MOJ (C-432/17) ECJ [2019] ICR 505, the first Supreme Court case concerning disability discrimination under s15 EqA: Williams v Trustees of Swansea University Pension and Assurance Scheme [2019] ICR 230 SC.
Older highlights include Abertawe University Local Health Board v Morgan [2018] ICR 1194 CA, Birmingham City Council v Bagshaw [2017] ICR 263 EAT, Aziz v CPS EAT [03 February 2015] (race discrimination) Osei-Adjei v RM Education EAT [24 September 2013) (disability discrimination and causation of loss); Dziedziak v Future Electronics Ltd (2012) EqLR 543 (race discrimination and nationality); Miles v lnsitu Cleaning Co Ltd EAT [2 October 2012] (TUPE dismissals and ETO reasons); O’Brien v DCA [2013] UKSC 6; Blackburn & Anor v West Midlands Police [2009] IRLR 135; Cadman v HSE [2006] ICR 1623 ECJ (justifying equal pay); Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v Rutherford & Bentley [2006] ICR 785 HL (sex and age discrimination and European law); Vince-Cain v Orthet [2005] ICR 374, EAT (sex discrimination and taxation of damages); University of Huddersfield v Wolff [2004] ICR 828 (inferences and burden of proof); and acting for Liberty in ECHR cases including trans rights challenge Goodwin v UK. Recorder and Part-time judge in Police Appeals Tribunal. Legal Advisor to the United Kingdom Board for Health Care Chaplaincy (UKBHC). Frequently instructed in complex investigations and mediations. Instructed in the Climbie Inquiry and Counsel to the Turner Inquiry (discrimination in trade union funding).
Called 1994; Pegasus Scholarship 1999 in Sydney.
Publications include: co-author with Robin Allen QC ‘Employment Law and Human Rights’ (3rd ed OUP 2018); ‘Family Rights in Employment Law’ (Jordans 2012); co-author ‘Blackstone’s Guide to the Equality Act’ (2nd ed OUP 2016).
Rachel writes and lectures frequently on a diverse range of topics. She regularly speaks at European Academy of Law in Trier and lectures to the TUC annually. In 2015 Rachel gave evidence on behalf of the Bar Council to House of Lords Select Committee on tribunal fees. Long-term advisor at Camden Law Centre. Chair of Bar Council Legislation and Guidance Committee, wellbeing representative on ELBA committee and Bar Council sub group.
ELBA; ELA; ILS; DLA; HRLA; Bar Pro Bono Unit; ELAAS.
Pembroke College, Oxford; City University, London; Middle Temple Diplock Scholarship 1993.