Region Area


Matthew Bradley KC


Commercial and commercial chancery litigation & arbitration, including: commercial contract disputes; company, partnership & insolvency law; civil fraud, conspiracy & economic torts; product liability; professional liability; offshore work; banking & financial services; energy & natural resources; jurisdiction & conflicts of law disputes; shareholder disputes, including employment/shareholder crossover claims; restrictive covenant & confidential information disputes; fiduciaries.

Recent notable cases include: Palmer Birch v Lloyd [2018] 4 WLR 164 (conspiracy & economic torts); Ang v Reliantco Investments Ltd [2019] 3 WLR 161 (jurisdiction challenge); Goknur v Organic Village Ltd [2019] EWHC 2201 (product liability & deceit); LCIA arbitration in Russian oil and gas sector; Kupeli & Ors v Kibris Turk Hava Yollari Sirketi [2018] 4 All ER 434; [2019] 1 WLR 1235 (trial of test claims); Pilgrim Rock Ltd v Iwaniuk [2019] GCCR 17013 (unfair relationships under Consumer Credit Act 1974); Trusts dispute re BVI/Cayman/Curaçao trust companies; Combination Hip Prosthesis Litigation (Product Liability).


Merchant Taylors School, Northwood; St Anne’s College, Oxford (Modern Languages, 1st Class Honours); City University (CPE) & Inns of Court School of Law (BVC). Hardwicke, Haldane & Thomas Moore Scholar (Lincoln’s Inn); Lord Woolf Scholar ((Daily Telegraph/1 Crown Office Row); Phoenicia Scholar (Bar European Group).
