4 New Square Chambers
4 New Square Chambers is one of the UK’s leading sets of commercial barristers’ chambers.
The set: 4 New Square Chambers is a leading commercial barristers’ chambers based in Lincoln’s Inn, London and specialises in international and domestic commercial dispute resolution. Chambers has 87 independent barrister practitioners, of whom 33 are King’s Counsel. The size of Chambers and the range of experience of its members enables 4 New Square to put together balanced teams of counsel to suit the requirements of each individual case. The set has numerous international as well as academic connections.
Types of work undertaken: Members are consistently recommended for all types of commercial disputes, often with an international element. The reputation of Chambers is particularly strong in relation to claims involving professionals and insurance work as well as in respect of construction disputes, costs, financial services and banking, international arbitration, product liability, sports law as well as regulatory public law and human rights law. Chambers’ expertise in professional liability covers the full range of claims against professionals, not just for negligence but for fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and breach of trust, and disciplinary and regulatory proceedings. All main professions are covered by chambers. Chambers has considerable experience in multi-party litigation in the context of civil fraud, product liability, professional negligence and disaster claims. In all those areas members of chambers appear as advocates in the courts and arbitrations at home and in overseas jurisdictions.
Publications: Many members have written or contributed to legal textbooks and other published works. Highlights include the following: ’Insurance Claims’ 2nd ed. 2016 written by Alison Padfield KC. ‘Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability’, written by members of the professional liability team, is in its 8th edition and remains a leading authority. Charles Phipps is author, with the late Lord Toulson SCJ, of ’Confidentiality’ (2013) while Nicholas Bacon KC is a contributing editor of ‘Cook on Costs’ (2013) as well as Halsbury’s Laws of England.
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