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Benjamin Wood


Practises in all core areas of chambers’ work, with a particular interest in commercial and property related matters and those involving a complex financial element. Recent instructions include several high value solicitors’ and valuers’ negligence claims involving alleged breaches of FSMA, architects’ negligence, various fraud claims (involving deceit, conspiracy, undue influence and Section 423 of the Insolvency Act 1986) and an offshore claim relating to the alleged maladministration of an investment scheme. Reported cases include Newcastle Airport v Eversheds [2014] 2 All ER 728 and [2013] PNLR 5, Jumani v Mortgage Express [2013] EWHC 1571 (Ch) and [2012] EWCA Civ 1544. Recent trials include a 5-day solicitors’ negligence claim (currently in the Court of Appeal) and Thompson v Foy [2010] 1 P&CR 16. Ben is also an advocacy trainer for Lincoln’s Inn and sits as a Deputy District Judge. Previously a corporate finance adviser at NM Rothschild & Sons.


Sevenoaks School; St John’s College, Oxford (1999 BA Hons Lit Hum).
