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Graham Read KC

Graham Read KC

Devereux, London


Graham Read KC is a specialist in commercial law (including contract law; IT and construction disputes; ADR; arbitration), communications and environmental law. Very detailed expertise in telecoms law, including regulatory disputes (e.g.  BT v Ofcom (080 numbers) BT v Ofcom (Ethernet)); interconnect agreements (e.g. Tonylogo v Totem); tariff charging; and telecoms misuse. Very heavy involvement with the Electronic Communications Code and recent test cases: e.g. EE v Islington, EE v Meyrick Trust and CTIL v University of Arts. Detailed experience of the Competition and Markets Authority (e.g. TalkTalk v Ofcom and the postal services sector (e.g. R (DHL) v Ofcom). Extensive experience in commercial litigation and all ancillary matters, e.g. conflict of laws (Connelly v RTZ, and Africa v Cape), arbitration and mediation (as both advocate and arbitrator/mediator), and international freezing orders (e.g. Banco Nacional v Empressa). Wide experience of contract disputes, including TCC cases (JDM v DEFRA) and IT (Ardentia v BT). Has been involved in some of the largest environmental law cases (e.g. Reay v British Nuclear Fuels, Ngcombo v Thor Chemical Holdings).

For more information on Graham's practice and latest case highlights, please consult his full Devereux profile.


Called 1981; QC 2003.

Publications: Inter alia, various peer reviewed articles in Communications Law.




MA Trinity Hall, Cambridge; Arden Scholar Gray's Inn.


Roman history, European history 1900-1945, swimming, concerts.


London Bar

Telecoms Regulation

Leading silk1
Graham Read KC – Devereux 'Graham cuts to the chase. He is commercial and savvy, clients love him.'