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Kristina Brown

Kristina Brown


Kristina specialises in Children Act cases, appearing at all levels of the family court including the Court of Appeal. She undertakes first instance hearings and appeals and regularly appears in the High Court. Kristina has a particular interest in Public Law cases and represents Local Authorities, parents, extended family members and children acting either through their Guardian or who have separate representation by their own solicitor. She has significant experience in care cases including child death, inflicted injuries, sexual abuse, surrogacy, child trafficking, chronic neglect and in representing parents and children with serious psychological difficulties, including a history of self harming and acting for parents with compromised functioning, including where the Official Solicitor is involved. Kristina’s practice also includes private law cases which move into the public law arena, such as in a situation of alleged parental alienation.

Kristina's experience also covers the full range of Private Law applications, with a particular interest in intractable disputes, involving the appointment of Rule 16.4 Guardians. She deals with complex child arrangements applications including cases involving serious domestic abuse, complicated psychological evidence internal relocation of children and applications to remove children from the jurisdiction.

Kristina has an established reputation for tactical preparation, forensic analysis of complex medical evidence and excellent client care. She is known for her sensitive, down-to-earth yet robust attitude.

Other aspects of Kristina's practice include presenting lectures and training seminars to solicitors, local authorities and other child protection professionals. Kristina has been appointed a Member of the Development Board of the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University. Since 2017, Kristina has been an Honorary Professor of Law at the University of Winchester.

Notable Cases:

Birmingham City Council v Mother & Ors [2022] EWFC 125 (10 August 2022)

Re ABC (Children: Overlaying Child) [2020] EWFC 57

Re CTD (A Child: Rehearing) [2020] EWCA Civ 1316

A Local Authority v AB and Others [2019] EWFC 75

RE (1) K (2) T (3) U (Placement of children with kinship carers abroad) sub nom Birmingham City Council v (1) W (2) Q (3) K, T and U (by their children’s guardian) (2019) EWFC 59

Re P (Sexual Abuse: Finding of Fact Hearing) [2019] EWFC 27

Re Leicestershire CC v AB & Ors [2018] EWCF 58 (31 August 2018)

Re X (A child) No. 2 [2016] EWFC 55 (11 November 2016)

Re X (A child) [2016] EWFC 54 (8 November 2016)

T (A Child: fact finding) [2014] EWFC B115 (12 September)

W (A Child) [2014] EWCA Civ 772

RE B (A Child) (Medical Treatment) [2008] EWHC 1996 (Fam) [2009] 1 F.L.R. 1264 | [2009] LS Law Medical 214, [2009] Fam. Law 397 Re: B (A Minor) [2009] 1 FLR 1264; [2009] LS Law Medical 214


Called 1998; Gray’s Inn.




Family Law Bar Association Midland Circuit


Association of Lawyers for Children

Midland Circuit


Westholme School, Lancashire LL.B (Hons.) (Dunelm) Trevelyan College, Durham University; Leonard Sainer Legal Education Foundation Award Scholar; Gray's Inn; Called 1998


Play flute in a concert band, animal rescue work, cycling, gym, scuba diving.


Midland Circuit • Regional Bar

Family: children and domestic abuse

Leading junior1
Kristina Brown – No5 Barristers’ Chambers ‘Kristina is an excellent advocate who is always thoroughly prepared and ensures that clients cases are articulately and persuasively argued. She is sensitive to the needs of the client, and is approachable and calm and measured in her manner, in often very difficult situations.'