With ‘a good range of experienced practitioners’ No5 Barristers’ Chambers remains a leading set for family and children law work on the Midlands Circuit. Stefano Nuvoloni KC’s broad expertise encompasses serious abuse, alleged fabricated injuries, and trafficking cases, among others. Kristina Brown specialises in Children Act cases and has experience acting at all levels of the family court, including the Court of Appeal. She represents local authorities, parents, extended family members, and children acting through guardians or solicitors. Orla Grant has experience in cases involving the deaths of children, the deaths of parents at the hands of other parents, sexual abuse, shaken baby injuries, terrorism, and fabricated illness, standing out for her ’exceptionally articulate submissions’. Rhianna Manani is fast gaining a reputation as ‘an exceptional advocate who is always forward thinking’.

Legal 500 Editorial commentary


Collated independently by Legal 500 research team.

  • 'Adam Wadley is good. Laura Rotreau is brilliant and Clare Radbourn is always helpful.'
  • 'Adam and Clare are great. Laura is an excellent networker.'
  • 'No5 have the best clerking room by far.'
  • 'No5 chambers is a go-to chambers - they have a wide range of good counsel for straightforward cases to the more complex cases. All of the barristers have excellent client care and are to a high standard.'
  • 'No5 are a highly skilled set with a number of very experienced barristers. They also have a number of up and coming juniors.'
  • 'No5 chambers offer a range of highly experienced and competent advocates. They have a strong presence in Leicester and the Midlands and their barristers are very well regarded by all of the local firms.'


Leading Silks
KCs at the very top of their field, with a long-established record of market-defining cases, and widespread endorsement from clients and peers. All silks appointed in the last two rounds are listed further below.
Stefano Nuvoloni KC
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
'Stefano is an extremely skilled and persuasive advocate who also has an approachable and empathetic manner in advising clients.'


Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Kristina Brown
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Kristina is an excellent advocate who is always thoroughly prepared and ensures that clients cases are articulately and persuasively argued. She is sensitive to the needs of the client, and is approachable and calm and measured in her manner, in often very difficult situations.'
Victoria Clifford
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Victoria is a powerhouse whose advocacy commands attention. She is passionate in her arguments and will always ensure a just outcome is received.'
Kirsty Gallacher
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Kirsty is a superb, fearless advocate. She is always well prepared and an absolute pleasure to work with.'
Kathryn Taylor
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
'Kathryn is an excellent barrister. She is unflappable and cool in a crisis and makes everything look effortless. She is very good at changing her style to suit the needs of the case. Kathryn is destined for great things.'
Orla Grant
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Orla is a hugely capable junior. She is a bold advocate who uses her intellect and tenacity to excellent effect. Her attention to detail is second to none - assimilating vast amounts of material and distilling the same to meet the brief in any particular case. Orla is extremely diligent and also blessed with excellent client care.'
Michele Friel
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Michele is among the best private law children counsel around without exception. She is strategic in her approach and beyond robust in her advocacy. She cares about clients and her instructing solicitors.’
Heather Popley
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
 ‘Heather is tenacious and pays excellent attention to detail. She is clear and concise with her advice and is really good with vulnerable clients. Her advocacy is on point in an articulate and persuasive manner.'
Katie Miller
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
 ‘Katie is a quietly spoken but forceful advocate. Her submissions are always persuasive and eloquent. Katie is technically excellent and always has a knowledge of recent case law.'
Arrin Nouri
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
'Arrin operates at a level far beyond her year of call. She is meticulous in her preparation and a tenacious advocate who always goes above and beyond for her clients. Her presentation in court is superb, she is clear and concise but will robustly pursue the issues that matter. Her client care is also fantastic.'
Nicola McIntosh
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
'Nicola is approachable, always very well prepared and highly knowledgeable. She is very skilled in dealing with difficult litigants in person and provides sensible and thorough advice. Nicola is an extremely competent advocate and her cross-examination is focused and thorough.'
Grace Wright
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Grace is a tenacious, no-nonsense advocate with a high-energy and approachable demeanour. She knows very intricate points of law and is able to effectively pull them off the top of her head. She is empathetic but not too lenient with clients and directs them well.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Naomi Dean
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Naomi is fast becoming a go-to counsel. She is approachable and efficient. She is able to withstand the rigours of the court arena in the company of far more senior advocates. She is well prepared and eloquent.'
Olivia Whitworth
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
'Olivia is a diligent advocate who is happy to discuss matters with those instructing her. She has a strong advocacy style, whilst still showing empathy and compassion to those to whom she is asking questions.'
Rhianna Manani
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Rhianna is a very bright and articulate advocate. She is always very well-prepared and is very engaging with her lay and professional clients. She has steadily developed a very good reputation within the Midlands and indeed beyond. She is popular amongst solicitors and barristers as well as those on the bench.’